How Many Cars Does Hasbulla Have?

Despite being unable to drive due to his small stature, Hasbulla has a strong love for cars. He has been seen with a variety of vehicles, ranging from robust RAM trucks to fast McLarens, and even old, worn-out Ladas. Earlier this year, he faced legal trouble after joyriding with his Russian friends following a wedding.
However, among all car brands, one holds a special place in Hasbulla’s heart: BMW. He is frequently seen posing for photographs in, around, and even on top of BMWs. In January, he even used Instagram to sell his own bulletproof 2000 E38 7 Series.
It now becomes clear why Hasbulla parted with his 7 Series. He made room in his garage for another luxurious BMW sedan. This time, he went all out and purchased a brand new BMW G30 M5 Competition valued at $273,600 AUD last year. This choice demonstrates that although he may lack height, he certainly compensates with impeccable automotive taste.