
After Giving Birth, The Mother Turns to the Father And Apologizes

After Giving Birth, The Mother Turns to the Father And Apologizes December 2, 2022Leave a comment

Eliza broke down in tears when she at last heard her infant daughter crying. She was worn out from giving birth to her child and could hardly believe it was finally over. The infant was placed on Eliza's chest by the nurse. She could finally hold her infant in her arms.

Where is Ben, Eliza asked as she cast a glance around the room. Ben, her husband, appeared to have vanished. Eliza's face went pale as Ben entered the space, and she knew right away that she had to be honest. Eliza approaches him, he holds her hand, and she then apologizes.

Challenging Situation


After the challenging birth, Eliza was still gathering her breath. However, her initial feeling of joy quickly changed into an uneasy feeling of intense grief when she saw her husband Ben holding their newborn son in his arms. This was supposed to be the beginning of the ideal life she had always imagined. But she felt guilty about lying to get here.

The Reality


Ben presented their adorable son to Eliza. Ben cried out, "He looks exactly like me, I can't believe it." Eliza's heart sank right away. She was aware that she would soon be unable to keep her secret a secret any longer. He had to be aware of the reality...



Eliza grabs Ben's arm and pulls him in, her voice breaking as tears start to well up in her eyes. “Ben… I'm so, so sorry, but you need to be aware of something. Ben's eyes widened in shock. "Eliza, how could you..."

Happily Ever After


Eliza and Ben were a happy young couple who had recently gotten married, and for both of them, it marked the beginning of a shared lifelong dream. Despite their long-term relationship, the couple finally had access to the one thing they had both coveted most.

They Wanted a Family


You see, the young couple coveted a sizable family above all else. They had both had this dream since they were young. A few months after their wedding, the couple began trying for their first child, eager to begin a family and a new life together. But there was a problem...

Two Years Pass


The couple observed that months passed with Eliza showing no signs of change. They were aware that not everyone would have an easy time getting pregnant, but after two years passed with no signs of improvement, they both started to worry. They had been daydreaming about starting a family for so long that they had never considered a negative scenario.

An Expert Opinion


To find out what was wrong with them, the young couple made the decision to go to the doctor. Could there really be a problem with them? Or were they merely experiencing bad luck in that area? In the days leading up to the doctor's appointment, Eliza and Ben both worried.

Ben Wasn't Able


The couple was relieved to be able to allay their worries when the appointment day finally arrived. Sadly, the information they were given was anything but reassuring. The doctors came back after performing a few tests on both Eliza and Ben with some alarming information. Ben is likely infertile, so they must try to conceive in another way after learning this.

Bad News


This information shocked and saddened both Ben and Eliza. When it came time to decide what to do next, the doctors gave them a few options and gave them some time to think about which one they thought would be best for their circumstances. The couple's first thought was adoption, especially in light of the recent adoption of two boys by an Eliza friend.

No Way


Eliza wasn't a big fan of the adoption idea, but Ben did see its benefits. She had strong feelings about having a child that she carried to term herself and was aware that she was still capable of getting pregnant. Adoption was different. Why not try for a child who was at least biologically hers? Adoption already meant that the child or children would not be biologically theirs.

There's Another Way


Fortunately, there were some other choices, and one in particular would completely meet Eliza's needs. The couple debated their options for weeks before deciding that obtaining a sperm donor would be the best course of action. Ben preferred something else, but Eliza preferred this more.

Ben Wasn't Excited


Ben found the procedure to be challenging. He was unwilling to give up his dream of having a child of his own because it had always been a dream of his. He was aware of the circumstances, though, and realized how difficult it would be to deny Eliza the same happiness. After a few days, Ben was finally able to come to a decision.

A New Life Path


Ben made the decision to prioritize his desire to have children over his need to be their biological father. There was nothing he could do to change the fact that that was obviously not going to happen for him. However, the couple now had to begin the difficult—and longer—process of locating the ideal sperm donor.

Locating the Ideal Candidate


Finding a sperm donor can take as little time as desired or as much time as desired. Ben and Eliza had a range of options, such as expressing some preferences or actually choosing a particular candidate. Since they weren't really thinking of anyone in particular, the couple chose the first option.

Presenting Their Selection


While Ben wanted to send the application with Eliza while Ben was at work one day, Eliza had already completed it. Together, they selected their preferred donor traits. Ben thought this was a little odd, but he didn't give it much thought. He was just overjoyed at the thought of becoming a father for real.

Time Slowed Down


After several weeks, the couple finally heard something regarding their application. Since the doctor had informed Ben that it would typically only take a few days, Ben was actually the one who was most shocked by this. Eliza advised him to exercise patience. Maybe a lot of applications were received, or something.

The Only One She Could Ask


Eliza was the only person Ben could ask why it was taking so long because she assumed responsibility for maintaining contact with the sperm bank. Eliza reassured him that nothing was wrong and he didn't need to be concerned. Ben, who was growing concerned about the situation, chose to put his trust in Eliza.



A few weeks later, the couple was scheduled for an appointment with the sperm donor that had been chosen for them. Ben was very eager to see the donor's appearance, but the worker at the sperm bank was unable to do so. She knew that all they had been able to confirm were his features, which she knew they had done.



Donors frequently wanted to protect the privacy of their identities. And it appears that the donor of Ben and Eliza had made that decision. Ben wasn't sure what to make of this, but Eliza reassured him that everything would be fine because they had outlined all the features they desired according to their preferences.

Ill at Ease


Ben was genuinely surprised by Eliza's apparent ease with the situation. Their potential child was the subject of this! She must have wanted to know every little detail. But once more, Eliza reassured Ben that all they had to do was trust the sperm bank to take into account their preferences.



Finally, Ben came to the conclusion that he would just have to put his trust in Eliza. He didn't want his own uncertainty to begin to worry her. She was so sure of everything, which was probably for the best. She had never given him any other reason to doubt her, either. In any case, not yet.

Hoping For the Best


In order to ensure the best outcome, they decided to wait a few weeks before deciding to take the pregnancy test. They were both concerned about whether the appointment would have been successful. If not, they might have to start over from scratch. They each held out their fingers.

The Outcome


Fortunately for the couple, the at-home pregnancy test showed a pregnancy. The young couple was relieved to know they wouldn't have to start over from scratch because the procedure had reduced their savings. But first, they had to have the doctor confirm that Eliza was in fact pregnant.

She's Expecting


The couple made another appointment with the doctor, who gave them good news. Yes, Eliza was carrying a baby. Eliza grew more enthusiastic as the weeks passed about meeting their unborn child. The same could not be said about Ben, though.

Worries Increase


Ben was still concerned about the infant; what if circumstances changed as the child grew older? Or perhaps Ben and the child never developed a bond? He persisted in worrying about all the bad things that might happen, and eventually it started to consume him. He started acting very erratically all of a sudden.

His Anxiety Got Worse


His worries seemed to get worse over the course of the months, and he started to lose focus on what was important. He found it difficult to be around Eliza and frequently felt neglected. Then he took an odd action one day. A choice that would cause him to distance himself even more from Eliza and the infant.

The Donor's Location


Ben made the decision that he had to locate the sperm donor. He believed that meeting the person would allay his concerns about the child's future behavior. Ben became so fixated on the concept that he started conducting his own research using the data they had obtained from the sperm bank during the selection process.

He Found Out


Ben was aware that he needed to keep this from Eliza because he knew she disapproved of him conducting such a thorough investigation into the donor. He was only able to keep it a secret from her for a few days, though. She informed Ben that she strongly disagreed with his eavesdropping. Ben, however, wasn't prepared to give up.

Another Way


After weeks of unsuccessful private research, Ben made the decision to visit a sperm bank to get more information. The sperm bank insisted that they were unable to provide any information because they were under strict orders not to reveal the identity of the donor. Will this be sufficient to stop Ben, though?

More Resolute


Ben seemed to become even more fixated on learning the truth after receiving a rejection letter from the sperm bank. On the other hand, as Eliza's pregnancy progressed, she became more concerned about Ben's behavior. She was unable to demand that he discover the Donor's identity.

A Shift in View


Fortunately, as the due date approached, Ben's obsession with the baby's paternity subsided. Now that Eliza was in her third trimester, Ben understood that caring for her and their unborn child came before worrying about paternity. Unfortunately, a new unforeseen problem had arisen in the lives of the couple.

A Bad Situation


In the final trimester of her pregnancy, Eliza's health had deteriorated. The doctors were worried for her life because she had lost a lot of weight and energy. Ben was informed that she and the baby might be more susceptible to illness due to her compromised state. Eliza would require ongoing attention.

It Could Be Fatal


The doctors were concerned that if Eliza got sick, it might get really bad and be fatal. Ben found it difficult to process the news. He was determined to take any necessary steps to safeguard his wife and their infant. Ben was finally convinced by this information to give up on his search for the sperm donor. At least right now...



Ben took all the time he could off from work. He registered Eliza at the hospital and took care of her up until the scheduled delivery date. They both experienced stress during that time. Eliza had to put in some effort to manage her stress levels in order to prevent aggravating her condition. It even appeared to be working for a while. But were they already out of danger?

She Was In Labor


The doctors were happy that Eliza had survived the last few weeks without getting sick, even though she went into labor early (at 8.5 months). Ben was happy, but he was still a little worried. He was aware that his wife was extremely frail, making delivery unlikely. Now all he could do was wait and hope.

Things Got Worse


Ben awaited the news from inside while waiting in the waiting area. A natural delivery was impossible because Eliza was still very frail. Eliza wanted to deliver her child on her own, and Ben knew that this would break her heart. But they understood that this was a good thing.

Things Took a Turn


Eliza was ultimately delivered via cesarean section by the doctors. Ben was not able to be present in that space. He paced and wrung his hands in the waiting room as he anxiously awaited. There were many potential negative outcomes. Since Eliza lost all that weight and became ill, things had unquestionably taken a turn for the worse. After waiting for two hours, a doctor eventually arrived to pick up Ben.

The Positive and Negative


Ben was informed by the doctor that his wife was fine and that everything had gone smoothly. Ben was unable to see Eliza at this time because she was in need of complete rest. Ben was devastated by the information. He merely wanted to make sure Eliza was alright. The doctor assured Ben that there was still more they could do for him to cheer him up.

The Child


They were able to quickly stop so that Ben could hold the baby for a short period of time before the nurse was about to take the child away for some simple testing. Ben smiled widely as he held the child in his arms. Finally, he was able to hold his child. He handled the kid carefully as he had been told to.

New Details Came Forward


Ben, however, was unaware of the baby's gender at the time. He didn't want to miss the chance to see his child, but he and Eliza wanted to learn this together. Therefore, while holding the child in his arms, he made no inquiries regarding the gender. Ben was utterly in love with the baby because it was peaceful and unagitated.

Who Is He?


However, the doctor casually mentioned that the baby was a boy, forgetting that Ben and Eliza hadn't known the gender. Ben was overcome by feelings. The fact that he wasn't the biological father was now completely irrelevant. Ben loved his son, who was in his arms, very much.

Stunning Moment


Ben was incredibly surprised to see that the kid even resembled him. He and Eliza had chosen the donor characteristics that best reflected him, but he had never anticipated that it would turn out this well. surprisingly well, almost. Ben was told by one of the nurses that she had no idea they had even used a donor.



Ben followed the baby's removal for routine newborn testing so he could observe through the window. He simply couldn't look away from the kid. His son was that. He was so happy. The nurse then told him Eliza was doing much better and he could see her now. The best day of Ben's life was quickly approaching.

He Saw His Wife


Ben quickly left for her room, eager to celebrate with her. He was shocked to see his older brother there when he first walked in, though. He lowered his brows. Eliza had called to tell him the good news, right? Why was his brother there earlier than Ben, and why? The atmosphere seemed a little off.

Uneasy Silence


The atmosphere in the room was very strange indeed. Eliza was crying while Ben's brother was having trouble looking him in the eyes. It was clear that Ben had missed something, and that he had likely been missing something for a while. What the hell was going on, he pleaded.

Her Lies


Eliza grabbed his hand when he approached her in bed. She gave him a trembling bottom lip as she looked him in the eyes. It was obvious that she was deeply upset about something. "I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you sooner but I just couldn't," she apologized to Ben. Ben, who was doing his best to contain his rage, was curious about what "it" was.



Of all people, Eliza and Ben's brother began to explain. Eliza never actually submitted their choice for the donor attribute. She could only think of one other option because she wanted a child from Ben so badly. In order to obtain the most genetically similar sperm donor, she then contacted Ben's brother.

Persuading Him


Joshua, Ben's brother, actually required a lot of persuasion to agree, but he did so after realizing how much Eliza desired this. This was the cause of the lengthy selection procedure. Additionally, Ben would never agree with this, so Eliza and Joshua knew they couldn't tell him.

The Method


Eliza was ultimately responsible for organizing everything with the sperm bank. Others were unaware. even Ben's parents weren't. Eliza had pushed Ben to refrain from looking into the donor's identity because she had been so afraid of his response the entire time. Ben then responded in a manner she had not anticipated.

Unanticipated Feelings


Eliza was certain that Ben would be upset about her doing this behind his back, but in reality, Ben was ecstatic. If they had asked him at the time, he would have said without a doubt that he did not approve of it. But after holding his child and realizing that it was partially his blood, everything felt natural at this point.

Joshua's Participation


Ben and Eliza's son, whom they named Josh, was very much a part of Joshua's life from that point forward. The fact that Joshua remained merely a distant uncle was acceptable to all. Ben and Eliza are pleased with how everything turned out. They take great pleasure in raising Josh, their son. Everything went off without a hitch.

The events of this story are entirely fictional and are products of the author’s imagination. Images included are meant for illustration purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events, places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.