My mother is both the dumb patient AND the medical professional. She’s been a pharmacy technician for 20+ years, and is convinced she knows more than the doctors about any given medical condition.
I had chronic ear infections as a child, and after a few months of going in circles with my doctor my mother decided to just stop giving me medication, refused the doctor’s recommendation of surgery, and decided to just let me suffer.
So I was in agony for most of my childhood and now have partial hearing loss, thanks mom! She also used to keep a VERY well stocked medicine cabinet at home, and forced me to choke down pills and medicines every time I so much as sneezed.
She refused to acknowledge that I have allergies, so in her mind my constant sneezing and stuffy nose were just some kind of permanent cold which warranted a constant regimen of cold medicine and cough syrup. I was a heavily intoxicated kid.