Upward Mobility

Got arrested for growing, moved back home. Got first job I could at Ikea. After working there for over a year, randomly decided to check Craigslist for jobs and saw an opening at a cafe and they were hiring right then, so instinctively went for it.
The cafe was connected and owned by one of the most popular brewpubs in the area. They hired me to host there, quickly worked my way up the ranks to eventually bar manager. Met girl of my dreams, we are now married with 2 amazing kids. Opened two more restaurants with them and am currently assistant director of operations, overseeing three restaurants with 3, 5, and 8 million a year in sales!
Love my job, love my family, love my life. No idea what I’d be doing if I never got arrested, or never applied for the cafe job.
Story credit: Reddit / pakiranian