On the Way to the Party

One night in 1991, my buddies and I were going to a rave. I was 19 or 20, as were they. We were really looking forward to the night. As the evening arrived, I was getting my baggy pants, etc ready. A few hours or so before getting picked up, my mom got abdominal pain/cramps (not menstrual).
She didn’t think much of it, but after increasing in severity, she wanted to go to the emergency room (she wasn’t one to want a doctor’s help usually). I called my friends to let them know that I wouldn’t be going to the much anticipated rave, and took my mom to the hospital.
After she was admitted, and had the necessary tests run, the doctors said they couldn’t figure out the issue. The cramps subsided, and after feeling normal again, she was released. As we were literally walking out of the emergency room doors to leave, both of my buddies were rolled in on gurneys, neck braces and all (there are multiple hospitals in the city, so that was pretty weird).
Turns out, they were on the way to the party, when an oncoming car crossed the center line and hit them head-on. The car they were in was messed up pretty badly. It was said that if they weren’t wearing seatbelts, they wouldn’t have survived. Of course, I was the shortest of us three, so I would probably have been in the back seat. Back then, no one wore seatbelts in the back seat…so I might not have made it.
My mom never before or after that time had any issues related to that hospital visit. I can only chalk it up to luck, mother’s intuition, or something else entirely. I felt very lucky to still have my life. Some other things have happened since the 20 years to make me remember how lucky I am, but nothing like that night.
Story credit: Reddit / mojool