His Heartbreaking Story

I was driving through the Canadian Rockies late at night and had just passed through a small town. So I’m driving through the pitch black and I need to stop to go to the bathroom. But because it’s so dark, I miss the last rest stop for the next while. No problem, the highway is completely deserted. So I pull to the side of the road.
I do my business while staring out into the dark and then stand by my car for a bit. As I’m standing there, I see the figure of a man just walking out of the tree line. I’m miles from civilization, patchy cell service, and there isn’t a soul on the road. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me and maybe it was a deer, but nope, this was a man.
So I calmly walk back to the driver’s door and get in, locking the doors behind me. I’m keeping my eye on this guy as I nervously put my car in drive, ready to peel out, but for some reason, I just stayed put. The guy walks right up to my passenger door and knocks on the window. I crack the window and I ask “what’s up?”
He replies to me in a very, very serious tone: “I need you to call the 9-1-1″. I cautiously ask why, and he tells me his heartbreaking story. He had gone out into the woods to kill himself, but he couldn’t go through with it because he had thought of his daughters right before he was about to do it. So I call the authorities while the guy quietly cries outside.
He had a kitchen blade that he was going to use on himself, so I stayed in the car and advised him to maybe leave the blade on the ground before the officers arrived. They came and got him, but before they left with him I gave him a solid heart-to-heart and wished him well. I still think about him. I hope he was able to turn things around.