The Secret Sister

Reddit user CousinDarell always assumed that she was one of six children in her household. But when her dad revealed a deep dark secret, she discovered she was actually one of seven children.
“A few years ago my parents kept calling me trying to meet up so we can talk. I’m one of 6 to give you an idea. So they kept calling trying to meet up, but I kept avoiding it because I feared the worse. So finally my dad calls and ask if I can come over to his buddies house after work to help him move something.
I got off work and was walking to my car, and I see my dad standing by my car… he tells me to get in his car and says we need to talk… before he said anything I said I think I know what this is about, you and Mom are getting a divorce aren’t y’all? He said no and told me that I have another sister who was adopted out when she was born, due to their Financial situation at the time. Remember I’m one of six, well now one of seven. I was about 22 when he told me, I’m 27 now.
She’s 26…. how did none of us know my mom was pregnant?! Guess we were young, I mean I was around one and the oldest of us was maybe around 4-5. And two weren’t born yet.
Tldr; thought my rents were splitting, I have a sister one year younger than me, and she knew about us all along, and none of us kids did…”