I had suspicions for a long time that my husband was cheating, but every time I accused him, he managed to spin it and make me feel paranoid. Looking back, there were tons of red flags; but the way I found out was through digital intervention. One night, at work, my phone rang and I didn’t answer because it was an unknown number.
Immediately after, my husband called, sounding frantic. He screamed at me, “You’re about to get a phone call, don’t answer it!! It’s all lies!” I was intrigued and I asked him to explain.
He continued, “Melissa’s boyfriend thinks we’ve been sleeping together and he’s on a paranoia rampage.” I called back Melissa’s boyfriend and he said three words that turned my life upside-down: “There are pictures.”
They weren’t just pictures, either—he also had screenshots and wanted to send them to me. I declined the proof because I had known all along.
I believed him, thanked him, and called my husband back. I told him he had the night to pack and better not be home when I got off in the morning. The relief was overwhelming and I never doubted my instincts again.