Why Rules Are Important

It was the morning after my brother’s 10th birthday party and his friends were still over from the sleepover. My parents’ house had a fully finished basement that was often used as the place for all the kids to hang out and play.
I was only five at the time, which meant I could get into all the best hiding spots. That day, I made a terrible mistake. I had the brilliant idea of hiding behind the TV stand. I was found out and tried to make a break for home base. I thought I could jump over the DVD rack to get past “Joe” to get to base.
I didn’t make the jump, got my foot got hooked on the rack, and collapsed onto the glass coffee table and shattered it. I got rushed to the ER, happened to need stitches for all the glass that went into my chest. Funny that you don’t listen to rules until you find out why. Fookenreddit