That’s When it Hit

We had played hide and seek in the dark at a friend’s house. His parents were away for the weekend so we were able to turn every light off, only allowing us to use our phone lights in order to find a hiding spot or seek.
My friend and I had decided to go to his front yard and hide by the pool pump, which is surrounded by a short brick wall. I had climbed into a tree, but because my legs are being pulled to my chest, my pockets were too tight for my phone.
So, I decided to put my phone in my shirt pocket. My friend, on the other hand, had decided to hide behind the pool pump, where my other friend (the one who actually lives in this house) uses this part of his yard to keep all the old broken childhood toys and such, like a small plastic slide.
The area is very closed off with bushes, so it doesn’t look very messy when looking from outside the bushes. Well, as I was hiding in the tree, I saw my friend who went to hide in the bushes area by the pool pump start limping towards the house.
Maybe it could have been nothing, but I immediately understood something was wrong. He had blindly jumped into the bushes and landed on a broken plank that had a rusty nail. The nail went through his shoe into his foot. Seeing him limping back inside, I decided to leave my spot to help my friend.
But the thing is, I forgot my phone was in my shirt pocket. I jumped out of the tree, and upon landing, my phone flew out and completely shattered on the ground.
It was a serious series of unfortunate events. Story credit: Reddit / UntakenUsername420