Needing 13 Stitches

I have two stories. One was with my brother. Another was with a childhood friend. Two separate occasions. First, when I was about 6 or so, we went to visit some family at my uncle’s house. All us kids thought hide and seek would be a great idea, so off we went.
My uncle at the time was kind of an amateur race car driver and built this racing simulation seat. It had the pedals and everything nailed to these little 2×4 boards. Well, there were some sharp corners on it that had sheet metal nailed on the outside of it to reinforce it.
We all decided to hide in the basement where this prototype gaming chair was and my brother went to go hide behind it. He slipped going around behind it and fell head first into one of the sheet metal wrappings.
He sliced his forehead WIDE open. It was like a horror movie. Blood everywhere. 13 stitches to close that bad boy up. It was the most horrific thing I saw as a child…other than my second story. We were playing hide and seek at the neighbor’s farm and they were redoing the tin roof on the barn.
There were some scrap pieces laying on the ground next to a couple of round hay bales. Now, if any of you have seen those tin pieces, they are quite thin and can cut you pretty easily. Well, our friend thought it would be a good idea to climb the bales and get on top of the barn roof and hide on top.
When he jumped from the top bale, his foot got caught up in the plastic and it pulled him to the ground on one of those pieces of tin. It sliced his throat. We thought he was a goner. By the time his dad got over there, it was a mess.
Blood all over the side of the barn, he’s screaming, we were all crying (this was a few years after my brother’s incident). They rushed him to the emergency room, only to find out he missed his carotid artery by .5mm… Luckiest kid I’ve ever met.
That was the last time I played hide and seek. We all kinda agreed that we wouldn’t do again without really even saying it. Source: Reddit/guitarmaniac17