Bouncing Kids

I was playing hide and seek with my sisters when I was like in 4th grade. It was dark outside and you couldn’t see anything, so I thought it would have been a great idea to grab my blanket, which was black all around, and put it over me while I lay on my trampoline.
So I’m under a big fluffy blanket, on a considerably comfy trampoline, and it’s night time. I fall asleep. My hiding spot was so good, none of my sisters could find me. They finally got my mom involved—and that’s where things went sour.
Mind you, I am still asleep during all this, and I only know this because they told me afterward. My mom and stepdad start freaking out, thinking I ran away. My mom gets in her car and my stepdad gets in his.
They drive around the neighborhood to see if I’m out there. Of course, they don’t see me. They were driving around for like half an hour. Eventually, I wake up. The way my room is makes it so you can see the trampoline from out of my window and vice versa.
I wake up and I see that my bedroom light is on and my mom is walking around talking on the phone. My mom was on the phone with the authorities. I didn’t know at the time, I thought she was just talking on the phone and wandering around the house.
So I get off the trampoline with my blanket still wrapped around me. I walk through the back door and sit on my living room couch. My mom walks out of my room in tears and sees me on the couch. My sisters are in my parents’ room and my stepdad is still looking for me. She asks me where I was and I tell her.
She doesn’t straight-up believe me. Some officers come and she makes me talk to them—they weren’t impressed, to say the least. I thought it ended there, but no. My mom had those officers come to my school the next day to talk to me.
The most embarrassing thing to ever happen is having the Dean walk into your 4th-grade class and tell you to come with him. I was terrified. They took me to the guidance counselor’s office and just asked stuff like what I wanted to do when I grow up, family life, stuff like that.
I think they were trying to make sure I hadn’t actually tried to run away. And silver lining: It actually wasn’t too bad and I got to miss class time. Source: Reddit