A Very Skilled Player

When I was about seven or eight, my younger sister and I were playing hide and seek in my parents’ house. It was my turn to hide. My mother was taking a shower so I picked the lock on the bathroom door to hide in the bathroom cupboard under the sink.
I was thinking I was a genius because my sister would never find me in there. I sat for a while waiting for her to find me, then my mother finished her shower (she didn’t know I was in there either).
My father came into the bathroom as well. Long story short, they started going at it while I was in there and I was too scared, embarrassed, and utterly mortified. to move or say anything. So I did the worst thing ever. I sat just frozen in position, petrified.
After they finished and left, I stayed in the cupboard for at least 5-10 minutes disgusted by what I had just witnessed but unable to stop thinking about it.
I made sure the coast was clear and made a run for it, just to find my younger sister sitting in front of the TV, completely forgetting that she was supposed to find me. Source: Reddit/Snowy_Tundra