
Woman Takes Cat To The Groomer’s — He Takes One Look At It And Says, “That’s Not A Cat”

Woman Takes Cat To The Groomer’s — He Takes One Look At It And Says, “That’s Not A Cat” March 16, 2023Leave a comment

Sarah brought her new cat into the groomer and he didn’t expect anything to be out of the ordinary about the appointment. It was only when James saw something strange about the cat that he asked her where she got her pet, and her answer completely stunned him. He knew in his heart that this wasn’t a cat at all.

It can’t be what he thinks it is, or can it?

Strange Behavior


James brushed the cat’s hair and gave it a cut, but in the back of his mind, he wondered if this animal was really a cat. It had some strange characteristics and behaviors that weren’t like other cats he had seen. But he pushed the thoughts out of his mind for a moment. Until, that is, he saw something he just couldn’t ignore. 

This Is Not A Normal Cat


The groomer looked at the cat closely and wondered if he was actually dealing with a cat at all. So he decided to ask Sarah a few questions about her new cat, and surely enough, she failed to answer them how he expected her to. He immediately knew that there was something strange about this situation, and he decided to call the authorities. 

She Was So Nervous


The energy in the room suddenly changed and Sarah began to feel very nervous about the entire situation. She could feel the cat groomer’s suspicions even before he asked her, “Where did you find this animal?” Sarah’s answer shocked him.

Where did she find the animal? And what exactly had she found?

She Explored The Woods


She was a huge nature lover and thankfully, the wooded area by her house was massive enough to explore. She had lived there her entire life, and she knew every inch of the dense, tangled wilderness like the back of her hand, but today she decided to take a new route that would lead to her discovery of the "cat."

She Kept An Eye Out For Animals


Even though she had extensive knowledge of the forest, Sarah couldn’t help but look around the woods for new and interesting creatures. She had a particular love for animals, and she spent much of her time studying them and learning about their habits and behaviors.

Hidden Cave


After walking this new route, Sarah came across a small cave hidden among the trees. It was a place she had never noticed before, and it seemed to call out to her with a sense of mystery and adventure. She simply had this odd feeling that she should check inside it, so she did.

She Didn’t Hesitate 


Without hesitation, Sarah made her way into the cave, her curiosity piqued by the unknown. She had always loved to explore and discover new things, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. She was just moments away when she encountered something very unusual...

The Cave Was Dark and Wet


As Sarah made her way deeper into the cave, she began to feel a sense of unease wash over her. The air was cool and musty, and the darkness seemed to press in on her from all sides. But despite her growing sense of dread, Sarah refused to turn back. She was determined to see what lay at the heart of the cave.

A Dark Chamber


As she pushed on, Sarah finally came to a large chamber at the center of the cave. She was quite overwhelmed by the idea that this cave would be this big. She had never been into a cave like this, so it really impressed her. But not much later, this feeling would turn into fear....

An Animal Walked By


When Sarah walked further, she suddenly stumbled upon this strange and peculiar-looking animal and she was immediately intrigued. The creature had a long, snout-like nose, a shaggy fur coat, and large, floppy ears that seemed to flop about in every direction. It was unlike any animal Sarah had ever seen before, and she knew that she had to get a closer look.

Strange Eyes


Despite the creature's creepy eyes, Sarah could see that it was friendly and harmless when getting closer, and she felt a sudden surge of affection for the animal. She knew that she had to help it, but how? It seemed like a harmless cat, but she wasn't sure of it, and she hoped that she wasn't in danger here...

She Approached The Animal


As she approached the animal, Sarah could see that it was covered in dirt and mud, and its fur was matted and tangled. It seemed to be in need of some help, and Sarah knew that she had to do something to help it. 

Get Out Of Here


Gently and carefully, Sarah scooped the animal up in her arms and carried it back to her home. The animal was not afraid and allowed Sarah to pick it up with ease. Sarah walked out of the cave, but as soon as the cat came into the sunlight, something strange happened.

Walk Slowly


Panicked by the sunlight, the helpless animal jumped out of Sarah's arms and ran very fast back into the cave. Sarah didn't think twice before running after the animal. She soon became aware that it had stopped and was hiding in a corner. She gently picked it up and slowly went back outside, step by step, so that little by little, the pitiful creature would get used to the sunlight. 

Getting A Better Look


Fortunately, the animal eventually adapted to the sunlight. Now that Sarah could see the animal even better, she was genuinely unsure of whether it was a cat or not. She had a strong suspicion while she was in the cave, but now that she is outside, she seriously doubts that. She ultimately makes the choice to bring it home.

Is That A Cat?


As she walked through the village with the creature in tow, people stopped and stared in amazement at the strange-looking creature. Some even asked her if it was a cat, but Sarah just smiled and shrugged her shoulders, not wanting to give away the animal's true identity. Sarah didn't even know this.

She Cleaned The Animal Up


When Sarah arrived at her home, she carefully placed the animal on a soft blanket and set to work grooming it. She spent hours carefully combing out its fur and washing away the dirt and mud that covered its body. As she worked, the animal began to look more and more like the beautiful and exotic creature that it truly was.

A Beautiful Creature


Finally, after several hours of grooming, Sarah was finished, and the animal looked absolutely stunning. Its fur was soft and shiny, and it had a look of contentment on its face that Sarah had never seen before. She quickly grabbed her laptop to find out what kind of animal she had taken to her home.

Nothing Like It


She opened her laptop and began frantically looking for pictures of animals that looked like the one she had found. She searched for several hours without yielding any results, so she had to use another method to determine what kind of animal this is.

Asking An Expert


Sarah knew that she had to find a way to show the world this amazing and rare creature that she had discovered in the forest, so she decided to take it to a local cat groomer and see what they would make of it. She searched for cat groomers on the internet and called the closest one nearby. 

To The Cat Groomer


Sarah quickly got into the car and rushed to the cat groomer. She noticed that traffic was heavy that day, but her excitement didn’t wane during the entire car ride. She was just too excited about what this beautiful animal could be.

They Were Stunned


As Sarah walked into the groomer's shop with the animal in tow, the groomers were absolutely amazed by the creature's beauty and unique appearance. They had never seen anything like it before, and they were eager to learn more about it. 

They Had Many Questions


After much questioning and investigation, the groomers finally realized that the animal was not a cat at all. Sarah could tell by the look on the cat groomer's face that something was wrong, and when he looked at Sarah, Sarah immediately knew that something was wrong… 

Call The Police 


As they began to question Sarah about the animal, they began to suspect that it was something more than just a strange-looking cat. They called the police, and before long, a team of officers arrived on the scene.

The Police Showed Up


The police were just as amazed by the creature as the groomers had been, and they quickly began to investigate. They ran tests and consulted with experts, trying to determine the animal's true identity. Sarah somehow felt sorry for the little animal that the police were doing all of the testing on… 

They Had To Escape


As she waited in the shop for the creature to be groomed, Sarah heard a loud noise and turned to see the creature escaping through an open window. She immediately realized that something was wrong, and that the creature was in danger. Determined to help the animal, Sarah set out to find it.

No Help


Sarah was hoping that the police would assist her in the search, but when she approached the officers, they refused to provide any information or assistance, and Sarah was left on her own to track down the creature.

She Had To Find The Cave


Sarah returned to the forest and searched for hours, following tracks and scanning the trees for any sign of the creature. Sarah felt helpless as she couldn't find any trace of the creature. She assumed it would be completely in fear after the police ran all of those tests on him.

Losing Hope


As the sun began to set, Sarah started to lose hope. She had been searching for so long, and she still hadn't found any sign of the creature. She was about to turn back and go home when she heard a faint rustling in the bushes. 

Something Moved


She froze, listening intently, and then she saw a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye. Sarah's heart raced as she followed the movement, carefully making her way through the underbrush. She couldn't believe what she was seeing… 

She Needed To Keep Them Safe


Sarah saw the creature, huddled in a small clearing with a litter of newborn babies. She knew that the police would probably find the animal and its babies, and she couldn't bear the thought of them being taken away or harmed. So she made the difficult decision to take the creature and its babies back to her home, where she could protect them from harm by the police.

The Police Tracked Her Down


Once Sarah arrived home, she saw that several police officers were standing in front of her house. She thought this was very crazy but she had to find a way to get the little creatures into her house. After some thinking, she came up with the perfect idea. 

Sneaking In


Sarah decided to park her car some distance away and walk to the back of the garden. There were no police officers there so she could enter through the back door. Eventually, Sarah managed to get into her house unseen. But this was only a short-term solution… 

She Had To Take Care Of Them


At first, everything seemed to be going well. Sarah worked tirelessly to feed and care for the creatures, and they soon began to thrive under her care. But as day turned to night, they became more active and they started to make more and more noise. Sarah didn't know what to do because the officers were still in front of her house...

The Police Are At The Door


Then Sarah heard a knock at the door. Oh no… she thought. She opened it to find a group of police officers standing outside. They told her that they had received a report of loud noises coming from her house, and they needed to come in and investigate the noise. 

They Shoved Her Aside


Sarah tried to hold them off, but the officers were determined to enter the house. They pushed past her and went inside, where they were shocked to see the multiple creatures that Sarah had been hiding in her home. Sarah knew that she would have some serious problems now… 

She Was Arrested


Sarah was shocked and confused and didn't know what to do. She tried to protest, but the officers were insistent, and they escorted her out of her house and into a police car. As she walked to the police car, she looked over her shoulder and almost cried at what she saw.

Don’t Take Them!


Sarah saw multiple police officers aggressively grabbing the creatures without any mercy, and Sarah just couldn't understand why the police were cruel to those tiny creatures. It was so sad to see... 

Her Mind Raced


As they drove to the police station, Sarah's mind raced. She thought of all the different scenarios those creatures would be put in; however, her own situation also didn't look that great. She nearly forgot that she was being arrested. Will she end up in jail?

Their Faces Said It All


Everyone appeared to know the situation once Sarah got to the police station. Everyone appeared to be very angry with her as she could clearly see the disgust on everyone's faces as they all behaved as if she was some sort of criminal. Sarah was then immediately put into an interrogation room.



She sat there for what seemed like hours, wondering what was going to happen next. Finally, a police detective entered the room and began to question her. Sarah refused to answer any of the detective's questions and instead demanded to see her lawyer. 

Aggressive Questioning 


The police detective began to employ an aggressive technique with which she thought she could pressure Sarah. Sarah thought it was crazy that she was really being treated like this, but she knew she had to be careful here. Everything she says may be used against her… 

Keep Calm


Sarah felt scared by the idea that she could be in trouble and could possibly be thrown into jail. The detective tried to intimidate Sarah, but she remained calm and refused to speak. She knew that she had the right to remain silent and she wasn't going to say anything until she had legal representation.

Lawyer Arrives


Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Sarah's lawyer arrived, and Sarah hoped that this interrogation horror show would soon come to an end. With her lawyer by her side, Sarah explained the entire series of events and after a while her lawyer recognized what kind of situation they were in and said, "Let me do the talking."

An Explanation


The lawyer calmed Sarah down and promised her that she wouldn’t end up in jail. He said that she didn't do anything wrong here. Sarah didn't break any law. The police just wanted to frighten Sarah to get some information out of her. Then the lawyer called the police detectives back into the room. 

I’ll Do The Talking


Police officers came back in, and the lawyer did all the talking. After a while, the police officers agreed with him and stated that they had no reason to keep her in the police station. Sarah felt relieved that she was finally able to go, but she still wanted to know what kind of creature she had found and what was going to happen to them. 

Good Cop, Bad Cop


Sarah tried to explain that she only wanted to help the creatures, and she really wanted to make sure they were okay and not let them end up being experimented on. She wouldn’t let them be subjected to any abuse. Then the officers looked at her and said okay, we’re gonna tell you to truth. 



However, first, she needed to sign a confidentiality agreement that stated that she wouldn’t tell anyone about what she saw. Sarah agreed to this condition, and the police detectives handed over the contract, and Sarah immediately signed the document. 

The Truth


The officers were about to tell her the truth when suddenly an officer came in and said that one of the little creatures was not doing well. The agents got up right away and seeing that Sarah was allowed to know everything, she was allowed to come with the agents. 

False Alarm


As they were walking, the agent indicated that it was about a very special breed of cat that occurred in prehistoric mankind. That's why it was so special that it still existed because they had been looking for evidence of its existence for decades. Sarah already had a feeling that it was a very special breed. Once they arrived at the room, Sarah finally saw the tiny creatures again.

She Had One Request


One of the officers said it was a false alarm and luckily they are all doing well. They are all healthy as is the adult mother. Sarah didn't really dare ask, but she did anyway. "Can I take them home?"



In the end, Sarah was released and allowed to keep the creatures on the condition that she find new homes for them as soon as possible. She was grateful to be able to keep the animals that she loved so much, and she worked hard to find them all new homes where they would be well cared for and loved.

The events of this story are entirely fictional and are products of the author’s imagination. Images included are meant for illustration purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events, places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.