QUIZ: Even Fluent English Speakers Have Trouble With This English Quiz!

Anyone who’s a native English speaker or considers themselves fluent in the language will claim that they know everything there is to know about English. So it’s impossible to stump them no matter how hard one tries. But there are a lot of words in the English language, some of which may not mean what many people think they mean. Others might have apostrophes that are often placed in the wrong location or they might not have an apostrophe at all where most people think that they do. So, anyone looking for a challenge should really try this English quiz on for size.

Anyone who’s a native English speaker or considers themselves fluent in the language will claim that they know everything there is to know about English. So it’s impossible to stump them no matter how hard one tries. But there are a lot of words in the English language, some of which may not mean what many people think they mean. Others might have apostrophes that are often placed in the wrong location or they might not have an apostrophe at all where most people think that they do. So, anyone looking for a challenge should really try this English quiz on for size.

Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” came out in the______________.

  • 1980s’
  • 1980’s
  • 1980s
  • ‘1980s

There’s no need to add an apostrophe when referring to the 1980s unless one were to write it as the ‘80s. If that were the case then the apostrophe would generally go before the number.

There’s no need to add an apostrophe when referring to the 1980s unless one were to write it as the ‘80s. If that were the case then the apostrophe would generally go before the number.

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What does chicanery mean?

  • Dishonest action
  • Hunger
  • Anger
  • Confusion

Chicanery is used to identify someone who uses dishonesty and trickery to achieve their goals. For example, one could say that of a college student who bribed the professor with money in order to pass his final exam.

Chicanery is used to identify someone who uses dishonesty and trickery to achieve their goals. For example, one could say that of a college student who bribed the professor with money in order to pass his final exam.

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How would one spell the synonym of the word essay?

  • Diserdation
  • Disertation
  • Disertasion
  • Dissertation

An essay is also known as a dissertation, but some people call it a thesis. Regardless of how one says it, it is a form of writing on a specific subject, often as part of college project. Ironically, it is often misspelled.

An essay is also known as a dissertation, but some people call it a thesis. Regardless of how one says it, it is a form of writing on a specific subject, often as part of college project. Ironically, it is often misspelled.

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What is another word for avarice?

  • Greedy
  • Selfless
  • Caring
  • Loving

To say that someone's avarice runs deep refers to their hunger towards wealth and power. The person who is avarice considers the pursuit of money their primary driving force and yet they can also be extremely greedy.

To say that someone's avarice runs deep refers to their hunger towards wealth and power. The person who is avarice considers the pursuit of money their primary driving force and yet they can also be extremely greedy.

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What does it mean when someone says that something is arbitrary?

  • Organized
  • Predictable
  • Erratic
  • Logical

When someone identifies something as arbitrary, what they’re really saying is that something lacks cohesion or coherence and is practically unpredictable. For example, one could say that the shelves at the library are disorganized in an arbitrary way at the end of the day.

When someone identifies something as arbitrary, what they’re really saying is that something lacks cohesion or coherence and is practically unpredictable. For example, one could say that the shelves at the library are disorganized in an arbitrary way at the end of the day.

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What is another word for maxim?

  • Trash
  • Food
  • A lot
  • Saying

A maxim is often a short statement that offers some kind of truth like a slogan, a motto, or a catchphrase. This maxim or saying is often considered to be true by the general consensus.

A maxim is often a short statement that offers some kind of truth like a slogan, a motto, or a catchphrase. This maxim or saying is often considered to be true by the general consensus.

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When someone has to offer restitution, they mean that they have to what?

  • Change their bad behavior
  • Plant a tree
  • Go to school
  • Compensate someone for loss or injury

Restitution is the restoration of something that was taken from someone else. For example, one could say that the U.S. government provided land to the Native Americans as restitution for the land that was taken from them centuries earlier.

Restitution is the restoration of something that was taken from someone else. For example, one could say that the U.S. government provided land to the Native Americans as restitution for the land that was taken from them centuries earlier.

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What is someone being if they are being facetious?

  • Nice
  • Cruel
  • Funny
  • Flippant

When someone is being facetious, they are intentionally using inappropriate humor during the discussion of a serious problem. In a lot of the cases, any attempt at being funny or witty in this situation is often seen as acting in poor taste.

When someone is being facetious, they are intentionally using inappropriate humor during the discussion of a serious problem. In a lot of the cases, any attempt at being funny or witty in this situation is often seen as acting in poor taste.

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What is another word for wistful?

  • Nostalgic
  • Angry
  • Sad
  • Happy

When someone is wistful or nostalgic, they are longing for a place, a time or a person. So, say for example, someone used to live in Canada as a child but has been living in the U.S. for 20 years. They might have a wistful look on their face when they see photos of Canada.

When someone is wistful or nostalgic, they are longing for a place, a time or a person. So, say for example, someone used to live in Canada as a child but has been living in the U.S. for 20 years. They might have a wistful look on their face when they see photos of Canada.

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What is another word for accession?

  • Descend
  • Travel
  • Collapse
  • Rise

Another word for accession is to rise but it can mean a number of things. It can be used to describe the acquisition of an item or to augment or upgrade something like a machine.

Another word for accession is to rise but it can mean a number of things. It can be used to describe the acquisition of an item or to augment or upgrade something like a machine.

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What does it mean when someone says venerate?

  • Insult
  • Spit
  • Slap
  • Respect

When someone venerates, they are being shown the respect they have earned or being revered as something like a hero or a saint. In some cases, it can also be used to describe someone who is being worshipped.

When someone venerates, they are being shown the respect they have earned or being revered as something like a hero or a saint. In some cases, it can also be used to describe someone who is being worshipped.

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What is the synonym of the word conundrum?

  • Stumper
  • Pain
  • Laughter
  • Joy

Say that someone has a report to finish for school before the end of the day and they need to do research, but their power is out. To make things worse, all the cyber cafes are closed for the night. This would be a difficult situation, a conundrum or a problem with no answer or possible solution.

Say that someone has a report to finish for school before the end of the day and they need to do research, but their power is out. To make things worse, all the cyber cafes are closed for the night. This would be a difficult situation, a conundrum or a problem with no answer or possible solution.

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What is another word for ratify?

  • Approve
  • Deny
  • Shut down
  • Passed

When someone ratifies something like a contract, what they are doing is approving or endorsing something. So, when an amendment or a law is passed by the government it is being approved.

When someone ratifies something like a contract, what they are doing is approving or endorsing something. So, when an amendment or a law is passed by the government it is being approved.

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What is someone saying when they call someone or something contrived?

  • Phony
  • Legit
  • Popular
  • Funny

When someone calls out a celebrity as contrived or claims that a musician just released music that is contrived, what they’re really saying is that they’re phony or it sounds fake. The word can be used to describe the words of a politician one might not agree with.

When someone calls out a celebrity as contrived or claims that a musician just released music that is contrived, what they’re really saying is that they’re phony or it sounds fake. The word can be used to describe the words of a politician one might not agree with.

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What does subliminal mean?

  • To stick under the tongue
  • Someone who can’t see lines
  • Something that influences the subconscious
  • Morse code

Subliminal is a way of stimulating the brain in such a way that is not perceived by the conscious mind but can still alter someone’s thought processes by manipulating the subconscious mind, like hypnosis.

Subliminal is a way of stimulating the brain in such a way that is not perceived by the conscious mind but can still alter someone’s thought processes by manipulating the subconscious mind, like hypnosis.

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What is the synonym of the word banal?

  • Retentive
  • Exciting
  • Fun
  • Boring

If someone were to say that a TV show was totally banal, what they are really saying is that the show is boring and putting them to sleep. One could also say something like math class is very banal.

If someone were to say that a TV show was totally banal, what they are really saying is that the show is boring and putting them to sleep. One could also say something like math class is very banal.

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What does it mean when someone uses the word malinger?

  • They’re on vacation
  • They’re faking illness
  • They’re pregnant
  • They’re busy

When someone is malingering, they’re pretending to be grossly exaggerating their symptoms in order to get out of something like school or work. It can also be used to pull off a sham like pretending to be handicapped.

When someone is malingering, they’re pretending to be grossly exaggerating their symptoms in order to get out of something like school or work. It can also be used to pull off a sham like pretending to be handicapped.

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What is the antonym of the word dissonance?

  • Chaos
  • Harmony
  • Confusion
  • Disparity

Dissonance is defined as a lack of harmony or disagreement; therefore, the antonym of the word would be harmony, which means order or balance in a situation or in the case of music, to create a tranquil, continuous rhythm.

Dissonance is defined as a lack of harmony or disagreement; therefore, the antonym of the word would be harmony, which means order or balance in a situation or in the case of music, to create a tranquil, continuous rhythm.

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What is another word for recourse?

  • Breaking
  • Buying
  • Option
  • Channeling

When one uses the word recourse, what they’re also saying is option. For example, surgery may be the only recourse or option in order to treat that herniated disk and put an end to the pain.

When one uses the word recourse, what they’re also saying is option. For example, surgery may be the only recourse or option in order to treat that herniated disk and put an end to the pain.

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What do they mean when someone describes something as immutable?

  • Unchangeable
  • Difficult to please
  • Impossible to move
  • Unthinkable

When something is immutable, the object, person, or situation doesn’t change over time. In other words, it’s fixed, rigid and incapable to changing under any circumstances.

When something is immutable, the object, person, or situation doesn’t change over time. In other words, it’s fixed, rigid and incapable to changing under any circumstances.

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It’s a synonym for slaughter but it is often misspelled. What is the correct spelling of the synonym of slaughter?

  • Massacare
  • Masacre
  • Mesacre
  • Massacre

A massacre isn’t just the killing of one or two individuals but rather a large number of people like during a war. The attacks are usually cold blooded, brutal and most definitely deliberate.

A massacre isn’t just the killing of one or two individuals but rather a large number of people like during a war. The attacks are usually cold blooded, brutal and most definitely deliberate.

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What does terse mean?

  • Tense
  • Curt
  • Nervous
  • Sad

When someone is curt they’re direct and to the point. This often means that the person who is terse doesn’t care about sparing anyone’s feelings and often foregoes any and all pleasantries when speaking to and/or instructing someone.

When someone is curt they’re direct and to the point. This often means that the person who is terse doesn’t care about sparing anyone’s feelings and often foregoes any and all pleasantries when speaking to and/or instructing someone.

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What is another word for imperious?

  • Jerk
  • Weird
  • Mean
  • Arrogant

When someone is imperious, they are being arrogant and overbearing sometimes to the point of being a bully. It can also be used to describe a supervisor who is being overly bossy and pushy.

When someone is imperious, they are being arrogant and overbearing sometimes to the point of being a bully. It can also be used to describe a supervisor who is being overly bossy and pushy.

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What is the correct spelling for the synonym of the word shorten?

  • Abbreveate
  • Abrrieviate
  • Abbreviate
  • Inebriate

The word abbreviate is the synonym of the word shorten and it means to reduce or condense a word or phrase. For example, the abbreviation of the United States of America is USA.

The word abbreviate is the synonym of the word shorten and it means to reduce or condense a word or phrase. For example, the abbreviation of the United States of America is USA.

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Find the synonym of the word rebuke.

  • Scold
  • Destroy
  • Hug
  • Embrace

If you get a rebuke, you’re being scolded or reprimanded either at home by your parents, at school by your teachers, or at work by your boss. You can also rebuke or talk angrily at someone whose actions you disapprove of.

If you get a rebuke, you’re being scolded or reprimanded either at home by your parents, at school by your teachers, or at work by your boss. You can also rebuke or talk angrily at someone whose actions you disapprove of.

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What does the word levity mean?

  • Sizeable profit
  • Negative performance
  • Lack of appropriate seriousness
  • Heavy object

The definition of levity is “humor or frivolity, especially the treatment of a serious matter with humor or in a manner lacking due respect.”

The definition of levity is “humor or frivolity, especially the treatment of a serious matter with humor or in a manner lacking due respect.”

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What is the antonym of benign?

  • Harsh
  • Verdict
  • Demonstrate
  • Opaque

The definition of the word benign is “having no significant effect, or harmless.” So, the opposite of benign would be harsh or harmful.

The definition of the word benign is “having no significant effect, or harmless.” So, the opposite of benign would be harsh or harmful.

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We could _____ gone there today if we had woken up earlier.

  • of
  • not
  • have
  • do

Although many people say the phrases “could of” or “would of,” these are incorrect. It is correct to say “could have” or “would have.” These phrases often get confused because they sound so similar.

Although many people say the phrases “could of” or “would of,” these are incorrect. It is correct to say “could have” or “would have.” These phrases often get confused because they sound so similar.

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How do you spell the name of this popular dog breed?

  • Daschund
  • Dachshund
  • Dashund
  • Dachund

The Dachshund breed is a notable dog breed. Two Dachshunds have been Guinness World Record’s oldest living dog. A Doxie named Chanel held the record until 2009, when she was 21 years old.

The Dachshund breed is a notable dog breed. Two Dachshunds have been Guinness World Record’s oldest living dog. A Doxie named Chanel held the record until 2009, when she was 21 years old.

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What is a synonym of the word subversion?

  • Doubt
  • Destruction
  • Advertising
  • Calming

The definition of the word subversion is “the undermining of the power and authority of an established system or institution.”

The definition of the word subversion is “the undermining of the power and authority of an established system or institution.”

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What is the meaning of the word grandiloquent?

  • Strong
  • Incapable
  • Not able to read
  • Extravagant

The definition of the world ‘grandiloquent’ is extravagant in manner, especially in a way that is intended to impress.

The definition of the world ‘grandiloquent’ is extravagant in manner, especially in a way that is intended to impress.

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What is an antonym of the word cogent?

  • Flammable
  • Concentrate
  • Vague
  • Anger

The word cogent means clear, logical and convincing. So, an antonym of this word would be vague which means uncertain, indefinite or unclear.

The word cogent means clear, logical and convincing. So, an antonym of this word would be vague which means uncertain, indefinite or unclear.

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We have to share, there are ________ cakes left.

  • fewer
  • more
  • less
  • much

Although the words fewer and less mean the same thing, you should use the word fewer when you mean “not as many” and use less when you mean “not as much.”

Although the words fewer and less mean the same thing, you should use the word fewer when you mean “not as many” and use less when you mean “not as much.”

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How do you spell the synonym of the word pedigree?

  • Genology
  • Genalogy
  • Genealogy
  • Geneology

The definition of pedigree is “the recorded ancestry of a person or family.” The word can also be used to record the family history of an animal.

The definition of pedigree is “the recorded ancestry of a person or family.” The word can also be used to record the family history of an animal.

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What is a synonym of the word genial?

  • Hesitant
  • Cheerful
  • Clear
  • Dull

The definition of genial is “friendly and cheerful.” It would be a great compliment to describe a new person you just met as genial in nature.

The definition of genial is “friendly and cheerful.” It would be a great compliment to describe a new person you just met as genial in nature.

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What is the definition of the word abstemious?

  • Weakened mentality
  • Indulging moderately
  • Unpleasant looking
  • Holding back in certainty

The definition of the word abstemious is indulging moderately. If a couple of friends shared just one slice of cake after dinner, they were acting abstemiously.

The definition of the word abstemious is indulging moderately. If a couple of friends shared just one slice of cake after dinner, they were acting abstemiously.

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What is an antonym of the word complaisant?

  • Opinionated
  • Sociable
  • Integral
  • Unwilling

The definition of the word complaisant is “willing to please others,” so an antonym of this word would be unwilling.

The definition of the word complaisant is “willing to please others,” so an antonym of this word would be unwilling.

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__________ and _________ are going to a concert tonight.

  • Mark, I
  • Me, Mark
  • Myself, Mark
  • Mark, myself

It’s good to remember that the word I is generally used if it comes before the verb in a sentence, and me is used if it comes after the verb.

It’s good to remember that the word I is generally used if it comes before the verb in a sentence, and me is used if it comes after the verb.

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What is the correct spelling of this synonym of syllabus?

  • Curicullum
  • Curriculum
  • Curicculum
  • Curricullum

The definition of the word curriculum is “the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.”

The definition of the word curriculum is “the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.”

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What is the correct spelling of this synonym of the word collection?

  • Repatoire
  • Repretuire
  • Repertoire
  • Repetuire

The definition of repertoire is “a stock of skills or types of behavior that a person habitually uses.” The word is typically used to describe a collection of songs, dances or other performances that an artist is prepared to perform.

The definition of repertoire is “a stock of skills or types of behavior that a person habitually uses.” The word is typically used to describe a collection of songs, dances or other performances that an artist is prepared to perform.

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