DC Comics characters that deserve their own TV shows The CW’s Arrowverse has brought us superheroes, rich characters and awesome action. It also introduced new characters to DC Comics neophytes. And it gives die-hard fans the shows they’ve always wanted and deserve. But who are the DC characters that should have their own series?Apart from Green Arrow, Flash, Vixen, Supergirl, Rip Hunter, White Canary, Atom, Heat Wave, Firestorm and The Rey, that is. Here’s our list of DC Comics characters that deserve their own TV shows. (With Titans premiering on a still-unannounced digital service, I also took out of contention Dick Greyson/Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy and any other Teen Titans. They’re all getting an awesome new show of their own, after all.)
Martian Manhunter

Martian Manhunter is a fan favorite appearing in Supergirl and in a crossover event on The Flash. J’onn J’onzz, in the human form of Hank Henshaw, would be the perfect candidate for his own show. One of the most powerful superheroes in the DC universe, and one who shows compassion along with his strength, his tragic backstory and kindness are what great spinoffs are made of.