
Dog Helps Lion While Out On A Walk – Owner Is Shocked When He Finds Out Why

Dog Helps Lion While Out On A Walk – Owner Is Shocked When He Finds Out Why May 4, 2023Leave a comment

Bella was shocked when a mountain lion approached her from behind. She was in the wild to find her way home after she got lost from her family. She saw that the mountain lion wasn’t aggressive towards her, and it looked like the mountain lion needed some help. She decided to follow her, and that's when she saw it...

Fighting Like Cats And Dogs


You’ve probably heard the saying ‘fighting like cats and dogs’ before, but you might be surprised to find that doesn’t apply here. Bella the dog spent the first part of her life in an abandoned building living amongst both dogs and cats. The cats were not her enemies, they were part of her family.

All Alone


Even though the dogs and cats weren’t hurting anyone, two animal control officers raided the house. They caught and took away every member of Bella’s family and just like that, in a matter of minutes, Bella was all alone. But then one animal control officer grabbed Bella too.

A Cat Saved Bella


But Bella didn’t have just a dog family, she had a cat family too. When an animal control officer tried to take Bella away, one of the cats attacked the officer. The officer turned away from the animal and decided to leave without them.

Meet Lucas and Olivia


Lucas and Olivia are two animal lovers who go out of their way to visit the stray cats and dogs in the neighborhood. Although humans destroyed Bella’s family, Lucas and Olivia were different, and she could sense that.

Getting Love


He went to the demolished building every day to feed the homeless cats. On this day, Bella ran out to meet them. Lucas and Olivia fell in love with the friendly and energetic Bella immediately. Then Lucas decided to do something drastic.

Getting to Know Grandma


Lucas took Bella home with him so she could keep his mother company while he was at nursing school. Bella was good at her job of comforting Lucas’s mom when she was lonely during the day.

A Great Life For a Dog


Bella loved Lucas and her new home. Because she was just a puppy, everything was a game to her. She played all day long and Lucas was a good owner. Even when she misbehaved Lucas never got mad at her. In the blink of an eye, Bella grew bigger. But she was just as happy now as she was when she was little. Then Lucas found something and his world turned upside down.

The End Of It All?


One day Lucas found a letter taped to the door of their house. The landlord was coming to check the house as it turned out dogs weren’t allowed to live there.. So Lucas and his mom had no choice but to hide Bella at the veterans association.

Hiding The Dog


Bella thought this was a new game but not a very fun one. Locked in a storage closet alone Bella began to bark for Lucas to come back. Everywhere in the building, people could hear barking through the ceiling.

She Got Caught!


One of the employees discovered Bella but instead of kicking her out, he brought her to the group therapy session as a special guest. During the therapy session, Bella used her special powers to comfort the veterans. But then they had to hide her from the employees…

Everyone Loved Her


All the veterans loved her immediately and used creative ways to help hide her from the doctorluckily, everyone, there was a dog lover and weren’t afraid to break a few rules. Eventually, Lucas and Olivia got Bella licensed to help the veterans.

Her Old Home Was Destroyed


Naturally, Bella thought this was a great game. One day while on a walk with Bella. Lucas and Olivia discovered Bella’s old home was being torn down. The cats were in danger but the property owner didn’tcare about a bunch of cats.

Stopping The Demolition


Lucas and Olivia immediately stopped the demolition angering the property owner. Sometimes doing the right thing can bring about awful consequences.Lucas and Olivia would soon regret their action…

Officer Shows Up


That very night an animal control officer showed up at their door threatening to take away Bella becauseshe was dangerous. This couldn’t be a coincidence.This gave Lucas an idea…

Teaching Bella A Trick


In an effort to save Bella, Lucas taught Bella the game “go home”. So she could run home on her own.One day a cheeky squirrel started taunting Bella from the window. So naturally, Bella gave chase.But then Lucas noticed the officers were after her as well…

Bella Got Caught


Lucas eventually found Bella in the street but animal control wasn’t far behind. It was already too late Lucas had no choice but to let the animal control officer take Bella to the pound.

The Dog Pound


Bella wasn’t the only dog at the pound. Sad and scared she did everything she could to get Lucas back. but nothing worked. The next morning someone walked that Bella recognized.

Getting Her Back


The next morning Lucas came back to her. Although he was there to take her home, the animal control officer gave them a strict warning about what would happen to Bella if she was caught again.So Lucas made a tough decision…

Going Away


This was too cruel, with no other choice Lucas gave Bella to Olivia’s relatives who lived out of thecity. As expected the animal control officer was working for the immoral property owner. But Lucas’s mom scared him into letting Bella leave the city.

Saying Goodbye


Lucas and Bella shared a heartfelt goodbye, naturally, Bella didn’t understand why she was going so far away or why Lucas wasn’t coming with her. Was it because she didn’t play the game “go home” when he told her to.

Running Back Home


Olivia’s relatives were good people they played with Bella and gave her food. Bella tried to like her new home but it wasn’t the same. They weren’t her family. Dearly missing Lucas, Bella seized the opportunity to hop over the fence and run back home.

Surviving In The Wild


But it’s such a long way how could she possibly find her way back on her own. Even with the odds stacked against her Bella kept going. Bella had never truly been on her own before so it was only natural that she had difficulty surviving out in the wild.But how would Bella survive in the wild?

New Friends


Hungry and tired Bella tried to hunt in the forest but her prey got away. Eventually, Bella arrived in a new town. There she found a new pack of stray dogs. She had fun with her new friends who taught her all the best places to find food.

Continuing On Her Journey Home


Getting food from kind-hearted humans was a lot easier than chasing rabbits but as nighttime came Bella came to a sad realization about her new friends. She could have stayed and joined a newfamily but she chose to go back on the road instead.But then she found something…

A Lion Cub


One day Bella smelled blood and tracked it to a mountain lion that had been killed by hunters nearby Bella found a mountain lion cub that was all alone. Reminded of her own cat family Bella adopted the cub, feeding her and keeping her warm at night.



Together they journeyed through the wilderness. Bella was smart she had learned that in order to survive. She needed to get food from humans. Sometimes this was easier than others.

But eventually, they were seen as the prey as a group of coyotes was chasing Bella and the cub.

They Got Saved


Pretty soon the cub grew as big as Bella. Bella loved her cub and would do anything to protect her even if it meant fighting other animals. Luckily the coyotes were chased off by three men.

But then the men saw the lion cub…

They Ran Away Scared


Just when it looked like Bella was about to be reunited with Lucas. The cub accidentally scared the men away. Bella and the cub continued their journey by playing new games and creating new experiences.

But after a few days of travel, they found a new companion!

Finding A Person


A man was skiing with his dog. When noticing Bella and the cub. He tried to calmly approach the animals. But Bella was comfortable with people, so she let him approach. Excited to be in contact with a human and a dog, she started barking.But then something horrible happened.



Excited to find another dog after so long, Bella and the dogs barking caused an avalanche.The owner was badly hurt. But soon enough two other skiers came to the rescue. While the dog’s owner was in the hospital. Two skiers adopted Bella and the new dog.

Mean Man


Her new life wasn’t bad she was warm and had a full belly each day. One day the two men took Bella andher new friend back to his owner. Although the dog was happy to see his owner. The owner was actually a mean old man who didn’t care about his dog at all.

A New Family?


The mean old man didn’t deserve his dog. Luckily after the man disowned his dog. The two skiers adopted him. Although Bella was happy her friend had found a loving new home. She knew herreal home was somewhere else. So she ran away again.

A New Friend


When Bella reached a new town. She was adopted by an old homeless man. Although this old man had nothing except the clothes on his back. He at least made sure Bella was never hungry. The old man really loved Bella and was constantly afraid that she would leave him.

So he decided to do something drastic…

Getting Weak


But in the end it was the old man who left Bella on her own chained and unable to escape. His love for her actually ended up hurting her. After the old man passed away Bella became weak with thirst and hunger.

She Was Saved


No matter how long she waited no one came to find her. She had almost given up hope when two kids suddenly found her. The kids released Bella from her chain and she went back to find Lucas.

But during her journey, she came across an old enemy.

Surrounded By Wild Coyotes


Out in the wild coyotes began hunting her again. Even though Bella ran as fast as she could it was one against many. And she was soon surrounded by a pack of hungry coyotes. But Bella didn’t give up hope.

Then something happened she did not believe.

It Was The Cub!

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Instead, she attacked first but what could she do against so many enemies. when it looked like all hope was lost a mountain lion suddenly joined the fight. That’s right this mountain lion was Bella’s cub except it wasn’t a cub anymore it was all grown up.

Returning to Lucas


If Bella could find one member of her family again then there was still hope she could find Lucas too.Bella was so excited to introduce Lucas to her new family and dreamed of their new life together.

But the mountain lion decided to do something else…

Parting Ways

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Unfortunately, the mountain lion knew that she couldn’t go back with Bella and Bella knew she belonged with Lucas. Although it was a difficult choice they parted ways one final time, exiting the forest.

Running Along A Busy Road


Bella came upon a busy road. Because she was only a dog all she could do was try to run across theroad. As expected Bella caused an accident on the road.

Continuing The Journey


Somehow she survived. But just when we thought she would make it to the other side of the road. Even though Bella was in pain she was too close to stop now.

Finally Found It


She just kept limping her way back home with her broken paw. At long last after two long years she was finally back in front of Lucas’s house.

Running Inside


But after running inside, it turned out this wasn’t the childhood home she remembered and the people who lived there now weren’t her family.The people looked frightened at Bella

Where Was Lucas?


Bella didn’t understand. Where was Lucas? Where was mom? Where were the people she loved? The people who lived in the house now didn’t know what a great dog Bella was.

They decided to do the one thing that Bella was scared of…

Calling Animal Control


They called animal control. As expected the animal control officer recognized Bella immediately. Bella was smart so she escaped through the window and went to the other place Lucas could be.

Veterans Association


This was her last hope Bella limped to the veterans association. At the veterans association some thingshad changed since Bella had been gone.

Remembering Her


There were even more dogs there now to help the veterans. But that didn’t mean the people had forgotten Bella. In fact her old friends were all excited to see Bella again and welcomed her home.

There Was Lucas!


More importantly, she finally found Lucas, he hadn’t forgotten about her either. their happy reunion was interrupted by a squadron of police cars in front of the veterans association.

Defending Bella


The animal control officer had called for backup to take Bella in. if they took Bella in Bella would die. luckily none of the veterans were willing to give up Bella.

They Won’t Let Them Take Away Bella


They all stood up for her helping her the way she once helped them. Just when it looked like all hope was lost, Bella was saved on a technicality.

Lucas And Olivia Hadn’t Forgotten Her


Although the city of Denver didn’t allow Pitbulls, the veterans association was federal property. Animal control had no jurisdiction there.Bella got back home where she belonged with the people she loved. Lucas and Olivia hadn’t forgotten her. They even kept her favorite blanket and played her favorite game with her.

A Happy Ending


A happy and touching ending. Bella’s journey back home took her over two years to complete. In all that time she never forgot the people she loved and despite all the hardships she encountered. She remained a kind gentle dog this was a heartwarming tale of family love and perseverance

The events of this story are entirely fictional and are products of the author’s imagination. Images included are meant for illustration purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events, places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.