
Habits for the New Year That Could Drastically Improve Your Life

Habits for the New Year That Could Drastically Improve Your Life January 23, 2023Leave a comment

The new year is a great time to take stock of your life and see what ways you can get things to run a little more smoothly. Rather than just repeating the old "New Year, New Me" mantra, here are thirty concrete habits that you can start which will make a significant difference to your quality of life.

Pick Up a Hobby


Whether you're starting from scratch or rediscovering an old favorite, working on a hobby will make your life significantly more enjoyable. Structured hobby time gives you something to work towards, and a small feeling of accomplishment when you master a new skill or complete a tricky challenge. That buzz of self-confidence is going to carry on into the rest of your day.

Take a Big Trip


Where in the world would you go if you could go anywhere? Pick a place, and then come up with a plan to get yourself there. If your life is lacking structure, you need a specific thing to work towards, and a once-in-a-lifetime vacation is the perfect goal to give you focus.

Take Some Smaller Trips


Working towards a big trip might be helpful for discipline, but without something smaller to look forward to, your goal is going to feel too far out of reach to be achievable. To keep your motivation high, take smaller trips and go on mini adventures to places you wouldn't otherwise think of going. This can help you to keep excited even if your immediate circumstances aren't changing.

Start a Morning Routine


If your typical morning involves falling out of bed, rushing to get ready, and barreling out the door, you might find it useful to set a more structured routine. Give yourself time to breathe, prepare mentally for the day, do some exercise, and eat a more balanced breakfast. This may mean getting up a bit earlier, but once your body adjusts, you'll feel a lot healthier throughout the day.



Look around you. Are you living with stuff on every surface? Piles of paperwork; sundries without a home; items that haven't been properly put away? Clear these things away and try to keep them out of sight, as having a less distracted space around you will help your mental focus.

Let Yourself Procrastinate


Contrary to popular belief, procrastination isn't always bad. Sometimes, your brain needs a little extra time to process information before it can come up with the best way of solving a difficult problem, so when your mind starts telling you that you need a change of scenery, listen to it. You'll know the point at which procrastinating is taking too much of your time, but a little bit of a break now and then will actually improve your efficiency.

Talk to Someone


Get in the habit of speaking to those around you. Small conversations, even with strangers, help to light up the social parts of our brains that make us feel content and fulfilled. What's more, an in-person interaction will always be more stimulating than a social media session, so you could find yourself losing less time to Instagram if you just say hi to the person next to you on the bus instead.

Do a Good Deed


Kindness and sharing are hardwired into the human brain. Just as we need love from others, we need to feel the joy of loving others. If you aim to do something nice for someone around you once a day, you'll spend your day looking for opportunities to help. This means you'll spend less time worrying about your own problems.



Meditation comes in many forms, but the basic idea is generally the same: be quiet and still for a few minutes, and give yourself a moment to breathe. For some people, prayer does the same thing. Just like turning a computer off and on again, this mental reset can help to clear away some of the thoughts running in the back of your brain that have been slowing you down.

Cook Food From Scratch


Ready meals and takeout may seem more efficient than spending an hour cooking, but there are benefits to doing things the slow way. Aside from the fact that your food will be healthier, if you take the time to cook, you'll be given a break from other pressures in your day, and you'll get the sense of accomplishment that comes from creating something you can be proud of.

Pay in Cash


The problem with credit and debit cards is that it's easy to lose track of how much you've spent. If you find that money is slipping through your fingers, try resorting to only using cash – it'll make it easier to keep track of exactly how much you've spent and how much you have left.



Sure, the car is quicker, but there are benefits to simply stretching your legs and walking. Whether this means foregoing the car if you're running an errand close to home, or simple taking half an hour to stroll around the neighborhood in the evening after work, getting a bit of physical exercise (and seeing the world at a slower pace) is excellent for both mind and body.



Chances are, you've got more stuff than you need. Somewhere in your house there are things that you don't ever use, which are taking up physical space and clouding your brain every time you walk past them on the way to something more important. Remove these things from your life by donating them, and not only do you make your home more organized, you also get the joy of seeing an old possession go to someone who needs it.

Tell Someone You Love Them


Think of a loved one you haven't spoken to recently. No matter who they might be or where they live, they could probably do with being reminded that you care about them. Taking a little time each day to share your feelings with someone will help you to be reminded of the things that are really important.

Have a Daily Audit


Take time at the end of each day to go over the things you achieved and the things that could have gone a bit better. What parts of your day went smoothly? What can you do better tomorrow? If you hold yourself accountable each day, you'll find you can get more done on a daily basis.

Forgive Yourself


It's not uncommon to get stressed out with just how much you have to do each day. Modern life is often hectic and we're all guilty of putting too much weight on our own shoulders. The truth is, you're not perfect, and if you can get in the habit of forgiving yourself for your imperfections, you'll be far less stressed.



Okay, so you're an expert at multitasking? Great! Now stop that at once. When working tasks, focus on one thing at a time and avoid distracting yourself. You'll be more efficient, because your brain won't constantly be trying to keep up with too many things at the same time.

Be Thankful


Take a little time each day to count your blessings. It's not always easy to do so, but studies have shown that people who focus on gratitude for what they have lead happier, more fulfilled lives. People with an attitude of gratitude also live longer, because failing to recognize the good in your life can wear you down quicker.



Take time to just, listen. Listen to the wind in the trees. Listen to the people around you as they share their own perspectives on life. Stop making noise, and take in the world around you. By absorbing information, you'll be in a better position to understand your circumstances.

Categorize Your Tasks


Every time you need to add a new task to your schedule, give it a ranking. Is this something that needs to be done immediately? Is it something that will create more problems the longer you leave it? If so, deal with it first. If it's not urgent, don't feel bad kicking it down your priority list. This approach will help prevent you from spending your days putting out little fires that would have been simple to fix if you'd not been distracted by other tasks earlier.

Drink The Right Amount of Water


Water consumption is difficult to get right because everyone's body is different. If you get a lot of headaches or you feel tired a lot, water can help. Bear in mind, though, that it is possible to drink too much water. If you can't manage a half-hour meeting without a bathroom break, it might be a sign that you're overdoing it.

Do Something That Scares You


Get into the habit of stretching your comfort zone. The more you do things that make you uncomfortable or nervous, the more you'll feel confident in situations that previously seemed too awkward or embarrassing to handle. Even if it's something simple like taking a phone call or talking to a cashier, find ways to improve your tolerance for nerve-wracking environments.

Have Fun


It's very easy to go through an entire busy day without taking a moment to enjoy yourself. We can often get so swallowed up in tasks that need to be accomplished that we forget to actually have any fun. Make sure you schedule fun time into your calendar so that you can let off steam and enjoy a boost.

Eat Less Meat


Cutting your meat intake comes with a range of benefits. It's good for your wallet, as vegetarian meals can be less expensive. It's great for your body, as eating more vegetables will improve your health. It can also have a positive impact on your carbon footprint, which is just nice to know.

Go to Bed Earlier


If you're feeling constantly tired, it's your body's way of telling you, unsurprisingly, that you need more rest. A lack of sleep can impact your concentration and long-term heart health, so it's well worth sacrificing that extra half hour in front of the television and get to bed a little earlier each night.

Rely On Others


Yes, you can handle most things on your plate without needing to ask others for help. No, you shouldn't have to. Not only does delegation or asking for favors help to spread your stress load, it also helps to to connect more with the people around you. Relying on others for help can do wonders for your emotional health.

Laugh More


Laughter is good for you, both emotionally and socially. Find activities and people that will make you laugh, and make sure you spend more time tickling your funny bone. It'll help you to shed some stress, and it'll give your brain time to relax.

Figure Out What You Want


You're not going to get much done if you don't know what you want to achieve, so the first big step in improving your life is thinking about what you actually want. Make it a habit: regularly give yourself time to ponder what you need to do, and you'll be better prepared to actually make improvements to your life.

Write Your Goals Down


Call it a Bucket List, call it a To-Do List, call it whatever you like, but get in the habit of writing down your goals and desires. Getting these things out of your head and onto paper help tremendously with pushing yourself to actually make them come true. Once they're on paper, they're real.

Share Your Ideas


Remember how Disney's Cinderella says that if you tell someone your dreams, they won't come true? Cinderella doesn't know what she's talking about. You're more likely to follow through on a goal if you tell someone about it, because you feel accountable to someone beyond yourself. Get into the habit of talking about your plans.