
12+ Life-Saving Tips That Are Sure To Come In Handy

12+ Life-Saving Tips That Are Sure To Come In Handy May 8, 2024Leave a comment

Help written in the sand on the beach

Our three best tips are if you are facing the rising sun, that's east. If you turn right, that's south. If you turn left, that's north, and if you turn all the way around, that's west. Our second best tip is to not drink standing water, and our third best tip is if you find a river, go downstream (there's likely somewhere safe there). Scroll down for all of our useful tips!

Stay Calm and Float


If you find yourself in water after a fall, it's important not to panic. Regardless of swimming ability, focus on floating. Hold your breath and allow yourself to naturally bob to the surface, conserving energy and increasing your chances of staying afloat until help arrives.

Wheel Positioning for Oncoming Traffic


When making a turn across oncoming traffic, it's crucial to keep your wheels pointed straight ahead until it's safe to proceed. If your wheels are turned into the turn and you're rear-ended, the impact could push you into oncoming traffic, leading to a potentially fatal outcome. Maintain a cautious wheel position to prioritize your safety.

Dealing with Suspicious Followers


To survive encounters with suspicious followers, trust your instincts and prioritize privacy. Stay in public, well-lit areas, and have an escape plan. Document interactions for evidence, and communicate your concerns with loved ones or authorities. These steps foster awareness and safety, ensuring you're prepared to handle potentially threatening situations effectively.

Surviving a Stampede


In the event of being caught in a stampede, it's important to act swiftly. If unable to immediately get up, assume a protective posture by tucking your feet up and covering your head with your hands. This posture can help shield vital areas and minimize the risk of injury.

Orient your face in the direction of the crowd's movement to avoid being kicked, and strive to regain your footing as soon as possible to improve your chances of safety.

Seizure Response

A child being cared for during an epileptic seizure by a qualified special needs carer

During a seizure, prioritize safety by not moving or waking the person, and avoid inserting objects into their mouth. Start timing the seizure, clear the area of hazards, and call an ambulance if it's their first seizure or you're unsure. For individuals with epilepsy, follow their specific instructions for assistance.

Peanut Butter Stash


It's always a good idea to stash a jar of peanut butter in your vehicle. Packed with calories and boasting a long shelf life, it's a reliable source of sustenance in emergencies. Be prepared and ensure you have this versatile food item on hand for unexpected situations.

Whether you're stuck in traffic or facing unexpected delays, this simple staple can keep hunger at bay without spoiling.

Pocket Tool Tip


Carrying a compact Swiss Army knife or Leatherman tool is super useful for unexpected moments, especially if it includes small pliers, these versatile tools provide practical solutions for various tasks and emergencies, making them a must-have for prepared individuals. Stay ready for the unexpected with a handy multi-tool by your side.

These tools can help with various tasks like opening packages, cutting ropes, or fixing things on the go. It's like having a mini toolbox right in your pocket!

Emergency Exit Awareness


Always know your exits, whether at a concert, bar, or theater. In emergencies, people flock to the entrance they came through, causing a crush leading to overcrowding and potential dangers. Stay safe by familiarizing yourself with alternative exits and maintaining a calm and orderly evacuation plan.

If there's smoke, stay low; a few breaths can incapacitate. Cover your mouth with a wet cloth if needed. Never re-enter a burning building; chances of rescue are slim.

Roadside Survival Kit


Creating an essential car emergency kit is crucial. It should include basic tools for repairs, long-lasting food for sustenance, a battery bank with charging cables to keep devices powered, a reliable flashlight for visibility, and an inflatable pillow for added comfort during unexpected situations. Prioritize preparedness and ensure you have these essential items in your vehicle.

These items are crucial for unexpected situations on the road. Building a comprehensive survival set over time ensures you'll have what you need when it matters most.

Watch Your Drink


When in restaurants or bars, it's crucial to never leave your drink unattended. Drink spiking incidents are regrettably more common than perceived. Stay vigilant and protect yourself by keeping a close eye on your beverage at all times to ensure your safety and well-being.

Stay vigilant and ensure the safety of your beverage by keeping it within sight at all times. Taking this simple precaution can help safeguard against potential risks.

Dislodging Objects Stuck in Your Throat


In case you find yourself alone and something gets lodged in your throat to the point where you can't breathe, hurl yourself backward against a wall or any firm vertical surface to dislodge the obstruction and restore your airflow. Seek medical help immediately after.

Continue doing so until the object is dislodged. I owe my life to the robust concrete walls of that old dairy building still alive because of it.

Tornado Shelter Whistle Tip


If you reside in a region prone to tornadoes, it's essential to have a loud whistle on hand wherever you take shelter. In the event of being trapped under debris, utilizing a whistle proves more effective than vocalizing loudly, demanding less energy expenditure and increasing the chances of being rescued promptly.

A Survival Trick for Faster Rescue


If you’re buried under snow, rubble, or debris, a surprising yet effective survival tip is to urinate on yourself. The smell helps search dogs locate you faster during rescue operations. Remember to stay calm and await assistance.

While this may seem strange or even a bit gross, it could potentially save your life by ensuring you are found and rescued faster, especially in time-critical emergency situations.

Wolf Encounter Survival Tips


When encountering a wolf, avoid running, as it could provoke pursuit. Maintain eye contact without staring, raise arms to seem bigger, and slowly retreat. To scare them, hold a stick or stone while maintaining eye contact. Prioritize your safety and give the wolf space to ensure a peaceful retreat.

Firing into the air, not at them, may help. In groups, unite and be imposing. Circles safeguard vulnerable members. Wolf encounters are uncommon, and they're vital for nature. Campfires can deter them.

Look Up in Dense Woods


When navigating through dense woods and aiming to reach a clearing, shift your focus to the treetops. By looking upward, you can easily spot open spaces and clearings, which may be more visible than trying to scan through the trees at eye level.

Escape When Confronted with a Gun


In a situation where someone pulls a gun on you, prioritize your safety by not allowing them to take you to a different location. Instead, make a quick decision to run away. Swift action can increase your chances of escaping harm and seeking help in such dangerous circumstances.

Child Safety


It's important to teach your children important information such as your real name, phone number, and home address. Additionally, establish a unique safe word known only to your family. This empowers children to communicate effectively in case of emergencies and ensures they have the necessary tools to seek help and stay safe.

In case of separation at parks, malls, or amusement parks, they can confidently provide your name and ask for the safe word. Additionally, take a recent photo of your child for identification purposes.

Window Safety Awareness


Avoid Glass Office Windows during Disturbances Outside. Stay clear if you hear commotion; it could be a tactic used by bombers to draw people closer to the windows. Stay vigilant and prioritize safety by staying away from potentially vulnerable areas during uncertain situations.

Morse Code SOS


The emergency signal SOS in Morse code is represented by three short signals, followed by three long signals, and then three short signals again. This internationally recognized distress signal can be used to call for help in emergency situations.

Remember the pattern: three short, three long, three short.The emergency signal SOS in Morse code consists of three short signals, followed by three long signals, and then three short signals again.

In alpine emergencies, signal for help by emitting one short signal every 10 seconds for a minute, followed by a one-minute pause. The confirmation answer is three short signals.

Winter Travel and Emergency Supplies


Ensure your gas tank is always more than half full, especially during winter. Carry printed maps, peanut butter, a gallon of water, crackers, an extra coat,  pillow, a blanket, and a complete extra outfit with shoes. Additionally, have jumper cables, a tire plug kit, and basic tools for emergency situations.

Lightning Alert!


If your hair stands up outdoors, run fast! Lightning might strike. This natural warning sign indicates danger. Swift action can save your life. Taking immediate action can be life-saving. Stay safe by heeding this warning and seeking shelter as quickly as possible.

Take immediate action to seek shelter and protect yourself from potential lightning strikes. Don't hesitate; lightning strikes can be deadly. Stay safe and keep moving if you see this.

Share Your Plans


Before embarking on any solo outing, it's important to inform someone about your plans, including your expected return time and emergency contact information. Whether it's a hike in the wilderness or a night out, this precautionary step ensures your safety and provides peace of mind for both you and your loved ones.

It's vital to stay connected and have a backup in case of unforeseen circumstances. Always prioritize communication for peace of mind.

Essential Compact Gear


Ensure you always have three compact items on hand: a lighter, a foil emergency blanket, and a portable rain poncho. These versatile tools take up minimal space and offer the benefits of fire, shelter, and even signaling capabilities with the foil blanket. Be prepared for any situation.

Avoid Drinking Cactus Water


When stranded in the desert, never drink cactus water as it is too acidic and can lead to unpleasant symptoms. Instead, find shade during the day to avoid dehydration and travel at night when temperatures are cooler. Prioritize your safety and well-being in desert environments.

Cold Weather Hiking


When hiking in cold weather and you start to sweat, it's essential to take a moment to stop and remove some layers until you feel cool again. Managing your body temperature and avoiding excessive sweating can help prevent discomfort, moisture buildup, and potential chilling. Stay comfortable and regulate your body heat by adjusting your clothing layers accordingly during your cold weather hike.

Proper layering is essential to regulate body temperature and prevent excessive sweating, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable hiking experience in chilly conditions.

Hiking Safety


When hiking or engaging in activities that require ankle support, it's advisable to wear hiking or combat boots with long laces. By tightly securing the laces, you can reduce the risk of ankle sprains and provide additional support during your outdoor adventures. Prioritize safety and comfort by ensuring your footwear is properly laced and securely fastened. 

Carry a cloth for wound care, as it can be more effective than Band-Aids in stopping bleeding and securing skin. Stay prepared and minimize injuries while enjoying outdoor adventures.

Marker for Important Information


Keep a permanent marker in your car's cup holder, glove box, or front seat pocket. In case of emergencies or the need to remember crucial details, write them on the glass window, rearview mirror, or even your hand allowing you to quickly jot down crucial details on a glass surface for easy reference and communication."

Markers are reliable tools for noting license plate numbers, addresses, and car details, and can be easily cleaned off later.

Lost in the Wilderness


If you find yourself lost, immediately stop and take action. Start a fire or sit down to eat/drink while putting on the kettle. This practice, learned in a forestry school survival course in Swedish Lappland, helps calm you down and provides comfort. Prioritize your well-being and take proactive steps to stay calm and focused while figuring out your next steps.

Only proceed once you have a clear direction and plan, as getting lost in such environments can have severe consequences.

Boil or Purify Before Drinking


When encountering water in uncertain environments, it is crucial not to drink it directly. Instead, boil the water to ensure its safety before using it for tea or other purposes such as making tea. Boiling the water helps eliminate potential contaminants and promotes a safer consumption experience. Prioritize your health and well-being by taking this important step to safeguard against waterborne risks.

Alternatively, you can use water purification tablets, which effectively eliminate bacteria and make it safe for consumption. Prioritize water safety for your well-being.

Tornado Preparedness


In tornado-prone areas, remember to wear sturdy shoes when seeking shelter in your safe place. In the event of a tornado, having reliable footwear will not only protect you during the incident but also provide better safety and comfort during the aftermath cleanup. Prioritize preparedness and safety in tornado-prone regions.

Practical Perspective


It's important to maintain a practical perspective and avoid assuming that everything will always turn out fine. Remember that challenging situations can arise for anyone, including ourselves. We can better prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally to navigate through difficulties. Embracing this mindset allows us to approach challenges with resilience and adaptability, ultimately leading to personal growth and effective problem-solving.

By thinking twice and being prepared for potential difficulties, we can navigate life's ups and downs with a realistic mindset.

Seek Help Wisely


When in need or feeling threatened, it's safer to approach someone for help rather than relying on unsolicited offers. Asking a person directly with a specific request is more reliable. Consider seeking assistance from a woman with children, as they often prioritize safety and set a positive example for their kids.

Lost in the Countryside


If you are lost in the countryside, follow the water. Almost all towns, villages, and cities are built near water. Following water will mean you don't go in circles, have a ready source of drinkable water and are more likely to find civilization. Depending on what you are carrying you may also be able to catch fish as well.

Hiking Tips


When hiking in unfamiliar terrain, it's important to bring a map or compass for navigation. If you have a dog with you, consider following their instincts, as their sense of direction is remarkable. Trust their guidance, as they can lead you in the right direction. 

Home Safety and Outdoor Precautions


Ensure baking soda is readily available near the stove to extinguish fires, avoiding water if there's grease involved. Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen or know its location in the building. When catching a falling knife, use flat hands and clap them closed. Install a carbon monoxide detector.

Personal Information and Food Caution


To ensure safety, attach your name, phone number, emergency contact, and address to your coat or your child's coat. This helps in case of separation or emergencies. Additionally, exercise caution with wild food sources, as not all plants and mushrooms are safe for consumption.

Just because a deer or other prey mammal consumes something doesn't guarantee its safety for human consumption, as their digestive systems may process substances differently.

Handy Tool for Various Situations


Carrying an item made from strong rope, such as a key chain or belt, can prove invaluable in sticky situations. From tying a car shut to reaching objects just out of reach, rope can be used creatively to solve a range of challenges. Embrace the versatility of rope as a practical tool for unexpected circumstances.

Preserving Life's Potential 


When performing CPR on someone with no breathing or heartbeat, persist until emergency medical technicians (EMTs) arrive. Don't cease after a few minutes, as CPR primarily aims to maintain blood circulation and prevent brain death. Understand that CPR sustains a 'reviveable' state, preserving the potential for revival.

When to Intervene and When to Wait


If someone is choking but can still cough or talk, it's crucial not to intervene. Coughing indicates that air is flowing, and the obstruction is partial. Encourage the person to continue coughing forcefully, as this can help dislodge the object causing the obstruction.

Trying techniques like the Heimlich maneuver or back blows may dislodge the blockage, leading to a full obstruction. Allow them to continue coughing until the obstruction clears naturally.

Newspaper Insulation Hack


When facing cold conditions without adequate clothing, purchase a newspaper, crumple it up, and place it under your clothes. The crumpled newspaper creates pockets of air that act as insulation, helping to retain body heat and keep you warm in challenging situations.