
Why Bread Clips Always Feature On Life Hack Lists

Why Bread Clips Always Feature On Life Hack Lists March 11, 2022Leave a comment

Bread clips, also known as bread tags, are used for a particular function that is completed after the bread is opened. They're usually dumped in the trash right away and forgotten about.

What if it didn't have to be like this? What if those tiny plastic tags had a considerably broader application? Fortunately, rather than tossing them out, we've collected a list of all the many things you can do with them.

Taking Care Of The Environment

Facebook / Tip Top

You can often achieve the best results by doing something simple. Rather than throwing the bread clips away, why not store them in a bag? Bread is eaten so frequently that that bag will quickly get packed, and the next step will be taken.

One can take the bag filled with bread tags and take them to a recycle bin! It would be the best for the environment, and many organizations could help you.

Making Something Special

Instagram / michlinla

In the hands of someone more creative, the tags could be transformed into something meaningful or valuable that could be sold instead of being thrown away.

This basic craft was done using only a little adhesive and everyday household items. This could be given as a present or used to adorn a child's room. The options are limitless!

Fixing Things

Facebook / Stuff Nation

Bread clips can be used for various purposes other than goofy toys and recycling. They can actually be repurposed to repair items that have broken momentarily. You'll have just enough time to have them appropriately mended.

A method of securing sandals so that the bread tag is lodged at the bottom of the sole is one example. This will prevent the strap from falling out while you save for a new pair or repair the ones you presently have.

Organizing Cables

Twitter / InspiredNiagara

Bread clips can be used to organize by an intelligent individual. Coordinating them with a marker is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to use them. Here's an example of how to use them to figure out where the charging cable should go in the house.

When you need to connect a new cable and aren't certain which ones are essential, this can come in helpful. There is no longer any need for troubleshooting.

How To Fix A Zipper

YouTube / Show and Tell

Have you ever had a zipper get stuck? It could be because the zipper is obstructed by crooked teeth or any type of cloth. It's sometimes difficult to gain a solid grip on a zipper, especially if it's tiny. The bread clips, on the other hand, come in handy in this situation.

Hook the end of a bread tag onto the zipper and hold it in place. The zipper will be able to be pulled up and repaired.

Labeling Keys

YouTube / Show and Tell

Keys can be difficult to keep track of at times. Do you have a key for every door? Keyrings were useful a century ago, but you'll spend trying to find the right key these days.

To indicate which keys are which, use bread tags (similar to the cables that were discussed). Simply connect a bread clip on the key and label it with a marker.


Wikimedia Commons / Bando26 / CC 3.0

It's true that bread tags seal bread well, keeping it fresh until it reaches the shop and eventually people's homes. Although the tag is usually thrown away, it can also be used to reseal an unopened bag or seal another bag.

Do you have a plastic container of fruit that has to be sealed in order to keep it fresh for longer? Make use of a bread clip. After all, they were made for it.

Marking Your Drink

Facebook / thekitchn

When you're at a party, have you ever wished you could avoid mixing your drinks with others? The problem can be solved, whether you're a clean freak or simply don't want others to drink the stuff you brought.

In this case, bread clips may be useful. To make sure the clip is yours, color code it or label it with a marker. After that, secure the bread clip to the neck of the glass to ensure you don't get them jumbled up again.


Facebook / Tip Top

Have you ever found it difficult to remember what the last page you read in a book is? Many people improvise with everyday objects such as bits of paper. However, these might frequently fall out. Bread clips prove helpful in this situation.

A neat thing about bread clips is that they are flat but can latch onto whatever page you are working on. You won't ever lose track of what page you are working on again.

Organizing Socks


Bread clips are awesome at keeping things organized, as we’ve shown you with plugs and keys, but it doesn’t end there. They can even help with your laundry.

We know most people hate losing single socks and then wearing pairs that don’t match. Nothing’s more embarrassing than going to a business meeting with a grey sock on one foot and a black one on the other.

Keeping Cables Tidy


It’s no secret that cables can get tangled up quickly and lead to frustration, tripping, and in the worst cases, even electrical fire. No one wants any of that, so the bread clips can really come in handy here.

As long as the cables are thin enough to accommodate them, they can be organized nicely together. No more mishaps like tripping and the rest, all thanks to bread clips!

Marking The End Of The Tape


It’s an everyday inconvenience to have to use your nail to try and find the end of the tape every time you want a new piece to try and mend something or to try and wrap a gift. But there’s a much easier way to keep track of the tape.

To mark the end of the tape, take a bread clip and stick it under the end of the tape. Now it should be easy to always find the end of the tape.

Outdoor Lights


At parties or events generally, it can be very pretty if strings of outdoor lights can be hung from tree to tree. Sometimes it’s a lot easier said than done. There’s an easier way to attach them to the tree in question though.

Use bread clips to attach the lights to the trees more easily. Then you’ll have a wonderful-looking outdoor garden light show.

Labelling Herb Garden


A cute way to use bread clips instead of throwing them away is to add them to your garden as labels. You’ll be able to easily identify where specific herbs and veggies are and where they should be planted.

We know that you don’t think you’d need labels but next time someone else is cooking who isn’t familiar with the garden you’ll be thankful that they can just read the labels.