What are the best Bob’s Burgers songs?
When finding the best Bob’s Burgers songs and musical numbers, there is an overwhelming array of songs to choose from. No surprise to regular viewers. There are interludes, complex theatrical productions, and so, so, so many Thanksgiving songs. And that doesn’t even cover any fart-based instrumentals. A hardcore fan might want to go ahead and pick up the Bob’s Burgers album from Sub Pop Records. It’s a jam-packed three disc album that includes covers by recording artists like St. Vincent and The National. In the meantime, here’s a collection of the Belcher’s absolute best performances to tickle the funny bone and please the melodious ear.Nice Things Are Nice/Bad Things Are Bad

This song – a setpiece, really – is a perfect example of the ways Bob’s Burgers uses its songs like a legit musical does. The music has storytelling, character building, plot advancement, and, of course, plenty of jokes. Fitting for a season finale in which there is actual life-threatening DANGER for our beloved Belchers.