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Search Your Feelings, You Know These ‘Star Wars’ Theories To Be True

Search Your Feelings, You Know These ‘Star Wars’ Theories To Be True August 15, 2017

We take a deep dive into some of the craziest and most outlandish Star Wars fan theories swirling around in the internets. Some of these hold water, others are just fun, while some are just plain bizarre.

Qui-Gon Jinn was a Sith

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm

So this theory falls in the category of ‘kinda interesting but probably not even close to true’ but it is kind of interesting so lets dive in. First lets remember that Qui-Gon was padawan to Count Dooku aka Darth Tyranus, a Sith lord. He was also known to repeatedly disagree with the Jedi Council. We know this from a brief conversation Qui-Gon has with Obi-Wan Kenobi where Kenobi says his master would be on the Council if he didn’t challenge them and their will. This leads us to believe that Qui-Gon did not fully embrace the Jedi code. Then Qui-Gon disobeyed the Council’s wishes to train Anakin Skywalker despite the boy being filled with attachment, anger, and fear. Let’s also not forget that from a Sith point-of-view, bringing balance to the Force could also be the extermination of the Jedi all together. The most compelling portion of this theory comes from Qui-Gon’s postmortem activities. Qui-Gon was the fist Jedi to master the ability to commune with the living through the force after death. Well, why is that important? Well, we are glad you ask. After Qui-Gon’s death he was able to pass of this knowledge to both Yoda and Kenobi and apparently Anakin. But when did he teach this to Anakin? After he turned to the dark side and became Darth Vader? Why would a Jedi be in contact with a Sith Lord? That doesn’t make much sense unless Qui-Gon was a Sith the whole time! But then why did he also teach this to Yoda and Kenobi? We aren’t sure and this casts some doubts on this theory.

Boba Fett actually killed Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm
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We are lead to believe that the brutal murder of Luke’s aunt and uncle came at the hands of Stormtroopers but that may not be the case. We might have to lay the blame at the feet of the most notorious bounty hunter in the galaxy, Boba Fett. Complete emulation of a moisture farm could be the work of flame-thrower wielding Stormtroopers but it could also be why Darth Vader singles out Fett in ‘Empire’ with his “no disintegrations” line. Did Fett go a little overboard carrying out the Empires dirty work on Tatooine? Maybe.

Boba Fett is ALIVE!

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm

Speaking of the fan-favorite bounty hunter, Boba Fett seemingly died when he was knocked into the Sarlaac pit on Tatooine. Fans did not feel that his death suited such an infamous bounty hunter. There is plenty of fan fiction about Boba Fett surviving the pit and escaping to keep on his bounty hunter ways. But as of now it's more of a Schrodinger's cat situation.

Han Solo was actually Force-sensitive

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm

In Han’s own opinion there is “no such thing as luck” and if that is true then how does one account for all the times it seems Han is the luckiest person in the galaxy. Despite the later editing that made it canon that Han did NOT shoot first, we all know Han shot first. But with this now canon edit, let’s break this scene down. Han has almost precognitive reflexes in this close-quarter shoot-out. Greedo is across a table and shoots at Han who just barely moves his head to avoid the blaster bolt and then immediately retaliates, killing Greedo. Now how did Han even know to move his head and then immediately shoot back. Is Han that intuitive? OR does Han use the Force without knowing it. Let’s also remember that Han successfully navigates an astroid field which according to C-3PO claims is 3,720-1 long shot. Not to mention all of the other extremely close calls that he consistently survives. Just because he doesn’t initially subscribe to “hokey religions” it seems he may have reaped its benefits for most of his life.

Ewoks are sinister little creatures

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm
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Ewoks are pretty divisive in the Star Wars fandom. They are cute and cuddly and look to be mostly a way to sell more toys. Regardless how did these diminutive, primitive teddy bears held bring down an army of imperials? Rocks and trees shouldn’t be much of a match against blasters but apparently they are. But no matter your thoughts on this part of the story, there is still the fact that Ewoks are sinister little creatures. When we first meet them they mostly trying to capture our heroes, hogtie them and them move to barbecue them. Wait, what? Think about it, the Ewoks are about to cook and eat Luke, Han, and Chewbacca! Luke uses C-3PO to avoid this nasty end but then after the battle of Endor there is a huge party with songs and dancing and a feast(?)! We see the Ewoks playing drums on some imperial helmets, what happened to the men wearing those helmets? We thing it’s safe to say they were the main course for the celebratory feast. This will certainly shed a new light on how we all look at these little walking teddy bears.

Jar Jar was a Sith

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm

Let’s start with the fact we are pretty sure everyone hates Jar Jar Binks. He is probably the worst thing about the prequels and that is saying something. But this theory might shift the way you look at this universally hated character. Let first look at the physical prowess of Jar Jar. Is he just incredibly lucky or is his dumb-luck actually a facade for his force use. Remember that time he does a standing somersault swan dive on Naboo? Yea that doesn’t seem to be a normal occurrence. At no point do we see any other Gungans perform such an acrobatic feat, in fact the only other people to do such things are all Jedi or Sith. Then during the Battle of Naboo, is it sheer luck that he not only survives the battle but takes out a tank and a slew of droids? Or was Jar Jar actually utilizing the force to survive. He did shoot down more than a few droids with a blaster entangled with his ankle. The next part of this theory looks at Jar Jar’s inexplicable rise in the political arena. How does this idiot not only influence powerful people but then get nominated to the Galactic Senate? He also is seen along side Palpatine throughout the prequels. Why would the Dark Lord of the Sith be spending time with this bumbling idiot unless he was serving a purpose? Let’s also not forget Jar Jar is also always suggesting ideas and ploys to keep himself in the thick of things all while waving his hands and arms around. Could that be a Jedi mind trick? Hmmmm.

The Force Can Slow Time

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm

This fun little theory can help explain quite a bit actually. What if places that are naturally strong in the Force or are occupied with someone incredibly strong in the Force. It could be reasoned that a planet like Dagobah that is already naturally strong in the Force coupled with the presence of one of the most powerful Jedi ever, Yoda, could actually alter time. This fact is why Luke is able to train with Yoda for a seemingly short amount of time yet learn so much from the Jedi Grand Master.

Finn is actually Force Sensitive

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm
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When watching ‘The Force Awakens’ we are introduced to Finn as a Stormtrooper who has an abrupt change of heart at the beginning of the film. We don’t know exactly what happened here but it seems to be significant. Then Snoke tells Kylo Ren that there has been ‘an awakening’ and this is way before Rey shows any sort of Force abilities. Also there is the fact that Finn is more than a capable fighter despite his role as a ‘sanitation worker’ in the First Order. If Finn is Force sensitive that could also be why he is adept with a lightsaber. All this also leads to our next theory…

Finn is the son of Mace Windu

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm

So if Finn is Force sensitive it is reasonable to think he might come from a Jedi lineage. Now if we believe that Mace Windu survives the attack on the Chancellor at the end of ‘Revenge of the Sith’ (which is another theory we will touch on) it is not too farfetched to think he would have a child after the fall of the Republic. This theory is a little flimsy, we admit, but it is noteworthy that Finn utilizes a very similar style of lightsaber combat that Mace was famous for using.

Mace WIndu LIVES!

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm

In Mace’s alleged death scene he has his hand severed, but we have seen more than one person lose a limb and live no problem. We saw him be electrocuted with Force lightning but, again, we have seen more than one person fall victim to lighting and survive. We also saw Mace go flying out of a window from a pretty significant height but this too doesn’t equate to death in the Star Wars Universe. We saw Obi-Wan, Anakin, Luke, Maul, and even Yoda fall from significant heights and suffer no real injury, so why not Jedi Master Mace Windu? Plus who doesn’t want more Sam Jackson in ’Star Wars’? We sure wouldn’t mind.

Kylo Ren is undercover

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm
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Kylo vows to finish what Darth Vader started but what if that is not to destroy the Jedi but rather the Sith and he is trying to do so from the inside! What if Kylo’s fall to the Dark side is just an elaborate ruse to destroy the First Order and Snoke. Kylo would have to do whatever it took to convince Snoke that he is indeed a Sith and that would include having to kill his own father, Han Solo. This could also be why Kylo didn’t kill Finn on Starkiller Base and he didn’t kill Rey even though he should have been a much more accomplished fighter with a lightsaber but he was just trying to protect his cover and complete his mission to finally destroy the Sith.

Rey is a Skywalker (sorta)

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm

Some fans immediately pointed to Rey as being the daughter of Luke. There is no real meat to this theory except that Anakin is the main character of the prequel trilogy and Luke is the hero of the original trilogy so it would fit that another Skywalker is the hero of the new trilogy. Insert Rey. Others will say that Rey is the daughter of Leia and Han Solo making the story still about the Skywalkers, sorta. This would mean that Kylo (Ben Solo) and Rey are siblings and would justify the connection the two seem to share in ‘The Force Awakens’. And if Ben fell to the Dark side that might lead Han and Leia to take their other Force sensitive child and hide her from both Kylo and Snoke. Plus the sibling angle could be influenced by some Legends material.

Rey is a Kenobi

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm

This would mean Rey is the granddaughter of Obi-Wan, somehow. So while the Clone Wars were raging or while Kenobi was in exile he would have had a child and then that child would be the parents to Rey. The math doesn’t add up for her to be his daughter. There is no real information to support this theory other than fans wanting it to be true.

Rey is a Palpatine!

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm
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Clearly everyone wants to discern Rey’s lineage. Theories want to have Rey’s character tied to someone from the other movies, We have covered the Skywalker/Solo angle as well as the Kenobi stretch. But what if Rey is a Palpatine. This theory is rooted in the similarities of the lightsaber style utilized by Palpatine and Rey. It would also be a twist on the Skywalker vs Palpatine dynamic seen in the original trilogy.

Rey doesn’t have parents!

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm

While many are debating who Rey’s parents are, what if she doesn’t have parents!? Anakin was allegedly conceived without a father and was born of a concentration of midichlorians. What if the same if true for Rey and she was conceived in a similar fashion and that is why she has such a strong connection to the Force?

Anakin was a mistake!

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm

Speaking of Anakin’s conception, some theorize that Anakin was a mistake by Palpatine. When Palpatine is telling Anakin the story of Darth Plagueis he speaks about how he tried to control life and create life and keep those he wished from dying. What if Palpatine learned his technique and in creating a concentration of midiclorians to either create life or prolong his own life, Palpatine accidentally created Anakin Skywalker. Anakin would later kill Palpatine, talk about irony.

Anakin has a twin, and his name is Snoke

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm
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Ok, found this gem on reddit from Darby_Piper and it’s a doozy. So we have the theory that Anakin was created by Darth Plagueis from concentrated midichlorians, but what if he wasn’t. This theory states that Plagueis tried to create life and failed and that failed experiment turns out to be Snoke. Since Palpatine killed Plagueis, it makes sense that Snoke would hide from him to avoid his wrath and bided his time until Vader killed the Emperor and then seized the opportunity to start the First Order as the Empire began to collapse. There is also part of this theory that states Anakin was indeed conceived by a concentration of midichlorians but it was in order to balance the Force due to the unnatural manipulation of the Force that created Snoke. Whew!

Mace Windu is Snoke

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm

So what if when Mace Windu flew out of that window on Coruscant he hit his head and got a nasty scar from it. Then when he woke up decided he was really, really mad at Anakin Skywalker for betraying him and this creating long-standing grudge with anyone sharing that name. Mace WIndu was known to sometimes use the Dark side of the Force to augment his own power, that is why he has a purple lightsaber as well as why he utilized the Vaapad lightsaber form. Both the color and form denote his proclivity to channel his anger into power without fully embracing the Dark side. All of these things have lead some to say that Mace Windu is in fact Snoke and is now out to finally bringing balance to the Force by eliminating the Jedi.

Mace Windu believed he was The Chosen One

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm

We know that Mace is aware of the prophecy of the Chosen One and this theory states that he believes himself to be the Chosen One and not Anakin. This is why Mace does not want Anakin to be trained as a Jedi and then later refuses him the rank of master despite offering him a seat on the Council. This is also why Mace tries to kill Palpatine in ‘Revenge of the SIth’ He wanted to single-handedly destroy the Sith, thus bringing balance to the Force and fulfilling the Chosen One prophesy.

Luke will end the Jedi Order

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm
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Luke has briefly and repeatedly indulged the Dark side. He has channeled his anger, fear, or passion into becoming more powerful. He did this in his duel with Vader in ‘Return of the Jedi’ and to an extend in the Force Cave on Dagobah in ‘Empire’. So this theory states that Luke means to end the Jedi Order as we all know it and embrace what most refer to as the Grey Jedi Code which is, as its name infers, not beholden to the black and white views of the Force like the Jedi Code.

E.T. was a Jedi

Star Wars Theories
IMAGE BY: Lucasfilm

In the movie ‘E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial’ there is a scene at Halloween were E.T. sees and seemingly recognizes a child dressed as Jedi Grand Master Yoda. Alone that scene doesn’t stand out but then when you watch The Phantom Menace and see a senate pod full of small aliens that look just like E.T. you start to connect the dots. Then you go back and watch E.T. and he has several instances of levitating items and even the iconic bicycle scene san all be attributed to the use of the Force.