
Man Who Got Laughed At For Buying Tiny House Cashes In

Man Who Got Laughed At For Buying Tiny House Cashes In July 19, 2022Leave a comment

There had been an old, worn-down house on the block where he grew up that stood there for years. He recalled that he and his friends played there and walked past it every day on their way to school.

As a child, he would have never thought that he would one day own this property. Buying this monument to restore it to its former glory and prolong its old stomping grounds for future generations to enjoy.

Rich In History

YouTube - George Dunnett

George “Patchy” Dunnet had always been a unique lad. Named Patchy because of a patch of white hair in his lush dark brown mane, he always set himself apart from his peers, seeking to do most things people his age didn’t do.

Having grown up in a humble village just thirty miles north of Edinburgh, Scotland, Patchy had been immersed in a rich history from an early age. Despite its small size, Cobbles offered some features that would delight any history enthusiast.  

His Favorites

YouTube - George Dunnett

There were three particular buildings that captured Patchy's attention as a young boy. The first building was a mystery to him; he could not establish who it belonged to or what its purpose was.

The second building was a museum that was dedicated to Michael Bruce, a poet who lived in the 1700s. The final building was a small cottage that many believed had been deserted. However, they were about to be proven wrong.

The Truth

YouTube - George Dunnett

Patchy stumbled upon the truth of the cottage when he was around eight years old. He and his closest friend had been playing hide and seek when they witnessed a man opening the cottage door and walking inside.

Patchy and his friend's curiosity peaked, so they followed the man. At that moment, they discovered the truth about the cottage.

He Wanted It

YouTube - George Dunnett

“The house looked very old and tired, with no one living in it for more than fifty years,” Patchy said on YouTube. A wrecked car and some outdated tools were being stored there by the owner.

Patchy evolved into a dedicated young man who established various revenue streams as a video editor and streamer. But as the years went by, he still felt the desire to purchase and upgrade the cottage.

A Wild Imagination

YouTube - George Dunnett

Patchy had always been an imaginative person. Growing up, he had always loved stories like Lord of the Rings and Narnia, and all of the fantasy stories he read as a child played a big part in who he grew into as an adult.

He always traveled through mythical landscapes inhabited by fantastical creatures in these tales, hoping to one day lead such a life. Patchy understood he would have to create his own dream in the actual world because reality was less exciting than the realms in those books.

Making His Dreams Come True

YouTube - George Dunnett

“I thought it would be nice to turn it into a proper house, something to call mine,” Patchy shared. With that in mind, he began to implement his plan and eventually accumulated well over $195,000, thanks to his profession as a content creator and the help of his family.

He approached the cottage's owner, with whom he had previously discussed purchasing the property, as the year came to a conclusion and worked out the financial details. Now all he had to do was restore it.

Wasting No Time

YouTube - George Dunnett

It cost Patchy $67,000 just to make the purchase, with the rest left over to deal with all the hardship that would follow.  “After the previous owner took all his stuff out, what he left me with was a house whose floor needed sorting.

The walls were in very rough condition, and the house as a whole was damp. The ground floor was also mud and dirt, a testament to how old the place was, and the stairs and sliding door would need replacement.” Patchy started working right away.

The Beginning

YouTube - George Dunnett

As there was no foundation for the cottage, the first step was to construct one. By removing the stairs and doors, Patchy began work on the foundation with the assistance of a builder.  

The chimney was also rebuilt, the bricks and cement were replaced, and a new brick stack was created for the bedroom windows, which were near collapse. Despite that, things were just getting started.   

The Next Step

YouTube - George Dunnett

“Similar work was done upstairs, including bolstering the health of the house’s internal walls, raising the ceiling a little bit, and pouring concrete onto the floor downstairs.”   The building was subsequently insulated by Patchy.  

The following phase of the project involved scientific scrutiny, which Patchy characterized as a real agony. When the builder saw the roof wasn't in great shape, he demanded extra money. However, it didn't end there.

The Roof

YouTube - George Dunnett

After sorting out the roof, including installing a new scaffolding, Patchy installed roof windows into the building, which blessed the house with natural light. His electrician had already completed the first round of wiring, and the insulation process was almost complete.

The stonework outside saw a complete overhaul before Patchy and his team installed plasterboards inside to make the place look cleaner. As time flew by, the house was slowly taking shape.

Final Touches

YouTube - George Dunnett

Patchy brought in a plumbing team to work on the bathroom and kitchen. He also bought a bespoke staircase that his team installed. With his mom, he painted the house as a way to hang out with her as they hadn’t been spending much time since he started the project.

He also installed external lights and brought a local blacksmith to give the house some final touches. Lastly, he invited his dad to help lay the outside of the house with cobblestones, which was an homage to his village’s name.

It Is Done

YouTube - George Dunnett

After more than a year of renovations, Patchy finally moved into his new house. As someone who was a part of each step of the renovations, he was more than happy with how everything turned out. The oak floors matched the bespoke staircase, with natural light firing through the house’s many windows.

Patchy also kept a few framed photos of the house before the renovations for any visitor who might wonder what it looked like. Although he’d built a wonderful home, what he decided to do with it is what shocked many in his village.

Sharing Everything

YouTube - George Dunnett

Patchy posted his story online, sharing each bit of the renovation process, the costs, and the before and after photos. Given how rich his locale is with history, many people looking to visit his village have asked if they can stay in his house while they spend time touring Cobbles.

Patchy has opened up his home to a few travelers, some from well-to-do backgrounds, who have paid huge sums to sleep under his roof, even if it’s for a night. So why not turn his home into a bed and breakfast?

Being Focused And Creative

YouTube - George Dunnett

As it turns out, Patchy loves what he’s done with the place, so much so that he’s made it his home. Although he may welcome a few fans from time to time, the tiny cottage is his everything, where he will make countless memories.

It overlooks the village of Cobbles where he grew up, with a grass-covered hill in the distance. Isn’t it amazing what being focused and creative can do for a person?