Not-so-Friendly Neighbor

This afternoon there came a gentle knock on our front door. I answered to find an 11-year-old boy holding our newspaper. He introduced himself as Michael, and he was darling.
Ever-vigilant for new neighborhood playmates for my kid Alex, I introduced them, and within minutes, Alex was invited to this child’s home around the corner. I didn’t think anything could go wrong—it did.
I wrote a note to the parents explaining who we were, how we met their adorable son, and asking them to please send Alex home when they were ready and also to call me so we could meet properly. Ten minutes later, Alex showed up devastated.
The dad, who was working in the yard, refused to speak to him, snatched the note and crumpled it, while Michael went into the backyard. Alex came home. Figuring it was a simple misunderstanding (maybe the dad thought my kid was selling something?), I walked over with Alex.
I walked across the yard, and in my very-best-meeting-someone-for-the-first-time demeanor, introduced myself. Y’ALL. The man stood sideways, grinning, and completely refused to acknowledge me as I explained I’d written the note, etc.
The entire minute or so, he made sure I saw that he was ignoring me and that he was enjoying it. I finished my spiel as if I were not being completely ignored, said, “Come along, Alex”, and we left.
The moment we were out of earshot, I told him to stay away from that house, to run away if he sees that man on the street, and to be super-kind to Michael.
I am concerned for that child. What the ever-loving heck?
Story credit: Reddit / VerbalEvisceration