Dangerous Deliveries

So my complex is on a busy road, and until recently, everyone’s mailboxes were just sitting there clustered together, and anyone could stop and empty them all in minutes. Just a couple dozen mailboxes all sitting out on a super busy road.
I’ve lived here three years, and probably our first month living here, the sheriff showed up with our mail that they found shredded in a ditch. They showed up every six months or so now, to give all the tenants their mail.
I spent a lot of time fighting with my landlord about how unreasonable it is to have two dozen unlocked mailboxes on a huge main road just waiting to be burgled. I wasn’t the only one who complained either, EVERYONE was SICK of having the sheriff show up unannounced to deliver mail!
He continually told me to pay for a PO Box, and basically “deal” with being unable to receive mail at my home. I finally downloaded my local Tenant Handbook and found out it’s illegal NOT to provide locking mailboxes for tenants in my state.
I called and left a message with the cited law, got a bunch of other tenants to also call him, and without a word a month later (he ignored me and every other tenant every time we called to see what was going on), they installed locking mailboxes. WIN.
Story credit: Reddit / ErisInChains