Single White Female

Reddit user WaymoresBlues thought she had gotten rid of her high school stalker long ago, only to discover that the man who eventually became her husband was once married to her stalker.
“When I was a senior in high school, there was freshman girl that “Single White Female”-d me. She would follow me around and tell me how cool and funny I was. She asked what hair product I used, what body spray, where I bought my clothes, etc.
I was not funny or cool, and honestly, it was flattering at first. She styled her hair like mine but it was high school in the ’90s and we all pretty much did our hair the same. Then she started dressing like me. Then she got involved in all the activities I was in. Then she started telling people we were cousins. She found my home number in her phone book (again, the ’90s) and would call me all the time. It was weird. I just went out of my way to avoid her.
After my graduation ceremony, she found me on the field and hugged me. She was sobbing—big, ugly, snotty sobs—telling me how she was going to miss me and school wouldn’t be the same without me there. I left and then completely forgot about her.
Flash forward nine years and I’m just beginning to date the man that is now my husband. We’re going through old pictures and I see this girl from high school. And I’m like, “Hey! I know this girl! She was this weird chick that stalked me in high school! Why do you have a picture of her?”
It was his ex-wife.”