
Vent Encounters That Were Too Cute To Ignore

Vent Encounters That Were Too Cute To Ignore October 27, 2022Leave a comment

Everyone goes through their ups and downs, and those with pets can all say they provide some much-needed comfort. They are more than just a pet - they become part of your family and have a special place in your heart. You will do anything for them like any other family member.

Pets need check-ins from time to time, which means taking them to the vet. Becoming a vet means you must love animals, but these vets have been kind enough to share the cutest animals, and we hope they will bring a smile to your face!

A Tiny Pony

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Horses are magnificent creatures and are cute in their own way, but what would make them even cuter? How about making them a few sizes smaller? Tiny ponies are a rarity and are animals to marvel at, but such rare creatures often need trips to the vet.

This owner had taken their pony to a routine visit, and this vet was lucky enough to capture this adorable shot. In this photo, this stunning creature was taking a nap while he waited for his check-up.

A Special Thanks

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Any veterinarian or those looking to become one will get along well with any animal. You will help them no matter the cost. The bonds they share with animals are profound.

This vet tech is a perfect example. This pup had just finished his checkup and wanted to thank him for the help. What a heartwarming moment!


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Having a kitten will have you squealing, but having an entire litter may be too much to handle. We can tell that this vet had their work cut for them. We don't blame them for taking a second of their day to capture this beauty.

It is a wonder what the vet had done to get all six of these Maine Coon kittens to look up simultaneously and in the same direction.

A Photo To Remember Him By

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Managing a multitude of pets daily is no easy task. It hurts them to see animals when injured, but they are always there to help. What they found more difficult was saying goodbye to these adorable pets when it came time for them to go home.

This vet decided he needed a photo to remember this adorable fellow and was lucky enough to have him pose too! He has the cutest face ever!

A New Pet

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Unfortunately, some animals are without homes. Lucky for them, some humans have space in their hearts for such creatures and do whatever they can to help them. They would pay to adopt them and give them a new home.

But some of these homes are temporary. One day, a woman brought in this adorable cat and was grateful to hear that this vet was looking for a new pet.

A Little Worker

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As we grow up, we learn that we need to earn our place in the world by cleaning our room or helping mom do the dishes. This cat was about to experience it all, but it was much cuter to watch!

This little ball of fur was dubbed the vet's new assistant, and it had a bunch of work coming its way! But one has to admit that it looks great in its new attire.

Daily Dose Of Cuteness

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It has often been said that petting a furry kitten is bound to boost your mood. You're lucky if you have access to one, but even more so if you have access to five. Being able to pet these little guys must mean that you're one of the happiest people on the planet!

One could say that vets have one of the best jobs of all, considering they can spend all day, every day, with cute and cuddly kittens. They have an abundance of mood-boosting kittens coming through their doors.

Herbal Medicines

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There is a lot to be said regarding herbal medicine, and it is often spoken about when it comes to human ingestion. But as happy as many people are to take such medicine, they panic when an animal ingests some of it. This person was one such individual and had rushed their Chihuahua to the vet.

This pup has such a contagious smile that he seems okay, but the owner thought it best to seek a professional opinion. It made for a laugh, and the vet was more than happy to get a cute photo of the pup.

Adorable Smiles

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Going to the doctor is a daunting experience for many individuals; they often don't leave smiling even if they received good news. But the same cannot be said for animals, and this picture is proof.

Not only is the vet grinning, but the cat is smiling too! What's more is how alike these smiles are, making for an adorably funny photo.

At Attention

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We all know how alike puppies and kids are. They are little energizer bunnies who never seem to pay attention. On very rare occasions, you find a pup that can sit still, and this vet was pleasantly surprised.

It becomes more rewarding when the pup has big brown eyes and large fluffy ears. How he looks at the vet is enough to melt anyone's heart.

Unusual Animals

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Working as a veterinarian means that you don't just encounter the usual dog and cat. They occasionally tend to squirrels and hedgehogs, but some more unique animals come their way.

This lion cub is playing with his rope toy made for an adorable sight! The vet felt privileged to help this animal and was excited to have gotten a picture of him. Afterward, he realized how grateful he was that he had not had to come face to face with a fully grown lion.

Lost Or Abandoned

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In some instances, people find animals who have been lost or abandoned and worry about how to help them. The best thing they can do is take them to the nearest vet, especially if the animal is injured.

We can only assume that this is the case with this baby fox. The veterinarian must have marveled at the chance to take a rare photo like this one. It's not often that we see foxes, let alone touch them. This little guy seems to have come out of an animated movie, but we are sure it is real.

A Tired Pup

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Working at a vet’s office can become tiresome. The long hours must often have the vet techs searching for places to catch a few minutes of sleep. As busy as the workers get in the vet, it's no easy feat for the pets to be there either, and they must surely be tired too.

This Pomeranian is proof of how tiresome the vet visit was. It had found a cozy spot to snuggle up and nap while waiting for its owners to fetch it.

Playing Dress-Up

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Owners often have fun dressing their pets in various fun and exciting outfits. They range from dorky and ridiculous to sweet and cute. This baby goat is the cutest in its new little outfit.

This vet and their coworker must have been over the moon when the owner brought their baby goat in! It's no surprise that they wanted to take a picture. At least now, they have a memory to share with their family and friends.

Patience Is a Virtue You Know!

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There are many animals that, when taken to the vet, absolutely lose their minds. They begin to pace and are not comfortable in the cages that they have to stay in before or after a procedure.

So, when you find a very gentlemanly cat that has plenty of patience like this one, you have to snap a photo of them. How cute is this little guy?!

Look at Me!

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Most calico kittens are female. We’re sure there’s a reason, but we have no idea, so the fact that this vet was able to take a picture of a male calico is not only adorable — but also pretty unique.

This adorable little furball is a one-of-a-kind kitten, and that makes him extra special on top of being so darn cute.

I Will Have My Revenge

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There are a lot of people that are either dog people or cat people. One of the reasons people choose dogs over cats might be because cats seem to have a little bit more attitude than dogs do.

This vet got the chance to actually take a picture of a perfect example — just look at that face. Though patient, you know somewhere in their mind, this cute little furball is planning their revenge.

Let’s Take a Nap

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There’s nothing scarier for anyone than going in for surgery. But, when you can’t share your concerns with the doctor because you speak two different languages, that makes it even scarier.

Still, this veterinary clinic has a special way of taking care of their pups and other animals after surgery. Not only does the vet get a little sleep, but the dog gets some cuddles, which always makes recovery easier.

I’m Here for You

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Sometimes we just need a little reassurance and so do our pets. So, after a complex surgery, having the doctor curl up next to you to give you a little love has got to be comforting. Plus, it gives the other vet techs the opportunity to take pictures like this.

How adorable is this, and why is this not this guy’s dating profile picture? We are sure he’d get tons of messages if it were!

Howl at the Moon

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There are a lot of majestic creatures that live in the wild. Some of them have tragically been hunted to near extinction, and others have found a way to survive. This little wolf pup is proof of this.

How cute and calm is this little guy?! This vet is so lucky to be able to handle such a beautiful animal. Doesn’t that face just make you want to cuddle up with him?


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Though you may not get a chance to see them very often, trust us when we say that beavers are super cute animals. Sure — they can be very territorial, and we are sure even vicious occasionally, but their little faces just make you want to kiss them.

Don’t believe us? Take a look at this little guy who seems to be saying hello and smiling big for the camera.

Do You Smell Something?

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Skunks get a bad rep when it comes to being a pet. Most people only consider the fact that when in danger or scared, they release a little bit of an odor that can’t be gotten rid of. That doesn’t mean they can’t make excellent pets, though.

This loving little skunk is all about this vet. We bet the vet is glad that he got a picture of this so that he could show people that there’s no need to fear the skunk.

Time Out!

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Sometimes just like in every other situation, extreme measures have to be taken. There are some pets that have sharp teeth and, when afraid, lash out and bite. So, it appears that this vet had dealt with something like this before and created a unique way to handle it.

This little lizard seems to have gotten a little violent and has been put in a lizard timeout. By doing this, the vet can take this cute image and be able to ensure the X-rays are correctly handled.

This Is Not Cool

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There are just some puppies that have a face that can melt your heart. Whether that’s with joy or with sadness is dependent on the situation. For this little puppy, looking into those eyes makes us sad to the point that we just want to cuddle up to him.

Though we’re sure that this vet is taking good care of the pup, it’s clear that this little fella isn’t happy about being there. We hope that his human gives him a treat after all is said and done.


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Just like humans, every pet has a personality. Sometimes they are serious, and other times they are affectionate, and occasionally you get one that’s a little goofy. Clearly, this dog falls in that category.

But, so does the vet tech apparently, as it seems that this woman is trying to imitate this hilarious face that the dog has. This definitely makes for an Instagrammable moment! It seems to us that this visit to the vet is going pretty well, or is it?

You Have a Little Something Right There

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There are many different sizes of dogs in the world. And each one has a lot of love to give, but when the dog is as tall as you are, that love can be a lot. This pup is clearly happy about his experience at the vet’s office and is trying to show his appreciation.

Either that or she has some food on her face that he’s trying to clean up. Either way, this picture is super adorable!

Hold Me

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Sometimes when you go to the doctor or — in this case — a vet, you just need someone to give you a little reassurance that everything is going to be OK. One of the best ways to do that is to give that person, or animal, a good hug.

That’s exactly what this vet is doing for this cat, and though they still look a little scared, we bet they aren’t as fearful as they used to be.

Get Him!

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What do you do when you’re a vet that has to deal with a whole litter of Great Danes? These hyperactive pups all want attention, and this vet has figured out how to make sure that happens. We’re not sure this is safe, but it’s definitely cute.

By backing up against the wall, he made sure they could only approach from one direction and then began the loving.

That’s a Good One

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Dogs and humans have a special bond, and though there are many that think that dogs don’t have a sense of humor, they would be wrong. All they would have to do is take a look at this picture to see that clearly, something got this pit bull laughing.

It’s a pretty epic and adorable picture and just makes us wonder what exactly started the laughing fit for both the vet and the pup.

How Do I Look?

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It’s hard when you can’t be there when someone you love is going under the knife. That’s why when looking for a vet, finding one that really understands this is crucial. Clearly, this pet owner found a good vet.

Though it’s probably scary for her to be thinking about her cat going into surgery, this picture is not only cute but should give her a little bit of security, knowing that her pet is well cared for.

This Is My Good Side

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Though the personality may change from cat to cat, each one has its own unique one. Sometimes they are goofy and other times, like this beautiful gentleman, they are a little regal. But even still, they are cute.

This little guy got a trip around the vet office, and at the end, he wanted to pose for everyone to take his picture so they could remember him.

Shhh, I’m Trying to Nap

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Just like with humans, when a pet is under stress and anxiety, it can be very exhausting. So, when they are done with their vet visits, sometimes they just need to take a little nap. This guy seems to have found a comfortable spot to do just that.

Luckily for the vet, they found him lying in this cute position and quickly reacted by whipping their phone out and taking a snapshot so they could look at this adorable picture later.

Freaky Friday

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Being a vet sometimes can be pretty strenuous and taxing on the nerves. So, that means that sometimes you just have to let go and have a little fun. It appears that this vet tech completely understands that idea.

Having a little photoshoot in a freaky Friday motif may just be the thing to lighten up the mood, and it also made this adorable picture possible.


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There are a lot of tasks that need to be done, and sometimes you need both hands to complete them when you work in a veterinary clinic. So, what do you do when you have a patient who is a little clingy?

If you’re this vet, you pick a pocket and set them in it. The bonus is eventually, someone will snap a picture of all the cuteness.

Handfuls of Joy

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What do you do when you have a ton of adorable kittens who just won’t leave you alone? Can you try to carry them around and find places for them to hang out? Will you get your job done?

Of course, you don’t want to put them away in the kennel because how much fun would that be? Just look at this person who has handfuls of joy. It’s clear that this is the way to go.

This Is Wild

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It isn’t only the vets that get the opportunity to play with some pretty amazing animals. Even the office staff has time to get in on the cuteness and cuddles, even from the most unexpected types of pets.

This young receptionist must have felt like she was living out her childhood dreams of being in The Lion King when she got to play with this adorable little cub.

Just a Tiger!

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Can you imagine being told to be careful because a tiger cub was lounging around the corner? Of course, we’re sure that this little guy isn’t really dangerous, but it would definitely make for an interesting day to have him lounging around the office.

However, this adorable little tiger cub seems to like the camera because it’s almost as if he’s posing for it. The cat is probably pretty happy that nowadays, everybody carries the camera in their pockets.

Hopping Adorable

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How many professions give you the opportunity to hold a handful of cuteness like this in your hand? There are not many, so we’re sure that this vet feels pretty lucky and loves their job. We know we would.

We wonder what type of bunny this is because it’s seriously so cute and so fluffy. We are sure that this image, if put on her Instagram feed, racked in millions of likes almost instantaneously.

Look at That Face!

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Puppies are just naturally cute. But, there are certain breeds of puppies that are even cuter, like this little wrinkled face guy. Who wouldn’t want to cuddle up with this adorable little bulldog, especially when you find out his name is Norman.

We can understand completely why this person loves their job. Not only do they get to help animals, but they also get to take adorable pictures with them as well.

Oh, Dear!

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Wildlife is gorgeous when you get to see it in its natural habitat. But, when you get to see it up close and personal, it’s a whole other experience. This vet got to do that with this adorable deer.

Now, she has a one-of-a-kind memory of this picture that not everyone has, which is a beautiful thing. We wish we could be so lucky and have this amazing experience!

Excuse Me!

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Puppies are not known for their patience, but this little guy seems to have it in spades! Either that or, like his owner says, he has a little crush on the doctor — which we can all understand as they do see each other regularly.

We just hope he’s sitting far enough from the door to let her back in without any issues. Even still, this little guy sure is adorable.

I Got Your Back

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You have a little ball of adorableness on your shoulder. This little kitten seems to have found her spot and is not willing to give it up no matter what. So, that makes this vet tech job a little more difficult, but she found a way to handle it.

This adorable picture shows that they put the kitten on watch duty, and the cute furball is taking it pretty seriously.

Give Me a Kiss

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Dogs love to show their gratitude and affection in a whole slew of different ways. One of these is, of course, by giving you big slobbery kisses. This dog seems to be pretty grateful to this vet for what he does for him.

Or maybe the vet is just trying to distract the pup so they can get all the tests done for their checkup. Either way, it makes for one adorable picture.

How May I Help You?

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It seems like you have to compete with more and more people for jobs these days. You know it’s bad when you lose your job to a person that can’t even speak. But then again, when they are this cute, we might understand the decision.

It seems that this vet has chosen to bring their pet to work, and the adorable golden retriever has found their new calling.

Sinking Suspicions

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Sometimes animals, just like humans, look to find a place they feel safe when in a stressful situation. One of the places many feel the most anxious is, of course, at the doctor. These cats seem to be looking for that safe place right now.

Unfortunately, they found their place, and it was the same one. It might not be the most comfortable for them, but it definitely makes for an adorable picture for the vet.

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead are entirely coincidental