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People Foods That Are Safe for Dogs to Eat (and Some That Aren’t)

People Foods That Are Safe for Dogs to Eat (and Some That Aren’t) May 29, 2019Leave a comment

Dogs love when you share your food with them. But should you? You might think it’s safe to feed dogs the same foods humans eat, but you could be making a serious mistake that could put your dog's life in jeopardy...

Can Dogs Eat Raw Meat and Fish?


Raw meat and fish contain bacteria that give dogs food poisoning. In fact, some fish host a parasite that causes salmon poisoning disease or fish disease. But cooked fish and meat are perfectly OK because cooking destroys bacteria and parasites.

Can Dogs Eat Turkey?


You can share your Thanksgiving turkey with your pooch just as long as you remove all the excess skin and the bones and avoid covering it in garlic. Garlic is toxic to dogs. Other than that, it’s gobble time.

Can Dogs Eat Onions and Garlic?


Powdered, dehydrated, raw or cooked onions and garlic are a huge no-no for dogs. They kill red blood cells, which causes anemia. Your pooch may be disappointed, but you have a good excuse for not sharing those onion rings.

Can Dogs Eat Tuna?


In small amounts, tuna is safe for dogs to eat. It contains omega- 3, which is good for your dog’s heart and eyes. But it also contains tiny amounts of mercury, so don’t go cray-cray with the tuna.

Can Dogs Eat Coconut and Coconut Oil?


Coconut flesh and milk contain oils that can give your doggy a serious tummyache and a case of loose stools, because they’re high in potassium. So if you value your rugs and carpets, stir clear of feeding your dog coconut.

Can Dogs Eat Yogurt?


Although most yogurts are made with dairy, your dog is probably safe if you feed them plain yogurt that doesn’t have any artificial sweeteners or added sugar. In other words, the stuff that actually makes yogurt taste good.

Can Dogs Drink Alcohol?


If you need a drinking buddy, ask a human. Don’t try getting your dog drunk, because even a little bit can affect their breathing, lead to acid reflux put them in a coma, or worse.

Can Dogs Eat Quinoa?


Quinoa is common in high-quality dry dog foods. In fact, it’s pretty healthy for a pooch when compared to other starchy products like wheat, soy and corn. So if you’ve got quinoa to spare, share the wealth.

Can Dogs Eat Yeast Dough?


Yeast dough makes your dog’s stomach bloat. It also accumulates in their digestive system, causing your dog's stomach to inflate and twist. The yeast also produces ethanol, which can get your dog drunk. And you already know what that can lead to.

Can Dogs Eat Bread?


Technically, dogs can eat tiny amounts of plain bread. But nothing with raisins or spices. However, all bread's going to do is stuff your dog with lots of calories and carbs, which do virtually nothing to promote good canine health.

Can Dogs Eat Grapes and Raisins?


Even small amounts of grapes and raisins can make dogs extremely sick. This can lead to depression, but that’s not the worst of it. Grapes and raisins can cause a dog's kidneys to fail. So find a better treat to give your pooch.

Can Dogs Eat Citrus?


Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit can lead to a condition called central nervous system depression in dogs. Don’t worry if your dog accidentally ingests a tiny piece, though. Citrus isn't too bad in small amounts, but dogs shouldn’t binge on oranges.

Can Dogs Eat Fat Trimmings?


Don’t give your dog any fat trimmings left on your plate. Whether they eat cooked fat trimmings or uncooked is irrelevant because either one can easily cause pancreatitis, and your dog doesn’t deserve that.

Can Dogs Eat Bacon and Fatty Meat?


Sorry to break it to you, but dogs shouldn't eat bacon for the same reason fat trimmings are bad for them. They’ll cause pancreatitis. Plus, bacon has a lot of salt, which can force your dog to drink too much water.

Can Dogs Eat Avocados?


Avocados are full of persin, a fungicidal toxin that can cause heart congestion and stomach problems in dogs. Persin is also present in the avocado pit, but that will be the least of your worries if your dog accidentally swallows the pit.

Can Dogs Eat Carrots?


Carrots are an excellent snack to feed dogs. They're a great source of minerals and fiber and have lots of vitamins too. You just have to cut them into tiny pieces so that your dog doesn’t wind up in a vet’s operating table.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Eggs?


Your dog’s not an athlete looking to increase his protein intake. So there’s no need to give him uncooked eggs. If you do, they might get food poisoning from E. coli and salmonella bacteria.

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Eggs?


Cooked eggs are fine to feed dogs because they have vitamins and minerals. So your dog shouldn’t have any issues with them. If anything, it can relieve a dog’s upset stomach too. Now that’s a bonus we can’t get on board with.

Can Dogs Eat Candy and Gum?


Dogs should never eat candy or gum. Especially sugar-free varieties that contain xylitol. This ingredient will cause your dog’s insulin to spike, which can result in a drop in blood sugar level, seizures, liver failure and even death.

Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter?


Can dogs eat peanut butter? Yes, they sure can. Just make sure it’s plain and unsalted peanut butter. But not too much, because even healthy peanut butter has lots of fat and calories, which can make your dog gain weight. So be mindful of how much peanut butter you feed your dog.

Can Dogs Drink Milk?


Although cats love a nice bowl of milk, dogs are different. They might drink it, but it’s not good for them. It can cause some serious digestive issues and also lead to food allergies that’ll make your pooch itch.

Can Dogs Eat Cheese?


In small quantities, dogs can ingest cheese, but some pups may experience some digestive issues like stomach cramps and things like that. So just stick to mozzarella and low-fat cheeses, or no cheese at all.

Can Dogs Eat Blue Cheese?


Dogs just don’t have the stomach to break down certain cheeses. And blue cheese is especially dangerous because it contains roquefortine C, a substance to which dogs are super sensitive. It may cause seizures, twitching and tremors in dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Blueberries?


Blueberries contain healthy antioxidants as well as vitamins and things like minerals and fiber. So blueberries are safe and healthy for dogs to eat, nutritious and low in calories if you don’t fill the entire bowl with them.

Can Dogs Eat Chocolate?


Chocolate has caffeine and theobromine, which will make dogs' little hearts race, leading to tremors, restlessness and even seizures. Chocolate can even be fatal to dogs depending on how big the dog and how much chocolate it ingests. So no, dog's can't eat chocolate.