
Everyday Hygiene Habits That Aren’t Good For You

Everyday Hygiene Habits That Aren’t Good For You May 3, 2024Leave a comment

A person holding soap bubbles in their hand

We often overlook certain hygiene habits in our daily routines, believing them to be inconsequential to your overall health. However, these seemingly innocent routines might be more harmful than you realize! This blog dives into common hygiene habits that many unknowingly overlook, exposing how they can harm your well-being, and even cause illnesses! Prepare to uncover the unexpected truths hidden in your everyday hygiene routine.

Not Changing Your Bedsheets Regularly


If changing your bed sheets is challenging, consider that you might be harboring bacteria from your sweat, which can cause skin irritation or illnesses. While we might be sometimes lazy about it, prioritizing health means even the smallest efforts count, like frequently changing and washing bedsheets to keep bacteria and bugs at bay.

Where Do You Keep Your Toothbrush?


Certain habits persist until we feel motivated to change them. Bacteria are everywhere, even in the air we breathe. Placing your toothbrush near the toilet can cause bacterial growth from even the smallest of toilet droplets. To prevent this, keeping the toothbrush at least 6 feet away from the toilet is advised.

Replace your toothbrush every 3 months to maintain effectiveness and avoid cross-contamination with others. Additionally, washing it with hot water after each use helps remove bacteria.

Dry Off Before Moisturizing


In a rush, you might quickly dry off with a towel and hastily put on clothes, but it's better to fully dry off before dressing, even if it results in being slightly late. Dampness can breed bacteria and fungi in sensitive areas, causing rashes and other issues, so you should dry off even before you apply moisturizer.

Neglecting Your Keyboards


It's important to clean all devices we touch frequently, not just our phones. Regularly wipe down your keyboard with a disinfectant to remove germs that may not be visible and degrease the keys. This is especially important if you eat while using your computer!

Cotton Swabs Cause More Trouble Than They're Worth


It was once believed that cleaning ears with Q-Tips was necessary. However, experts now advise against it as it can harm the ears by pushing and compacting earwax deep in the eardrum. Cleaning your ears too frequently can also boost the body's earwax production and result in minor hearing loss from excessive wax buildup.

Using Too Much Mouthwash


Many people overlook the potential drawbacks of excessive mouthwash use. Overuse can harm dental hygiene by killing both beneficial and harmful bacteria, leading to a dry mouth and tooth enamel damage. It is important to read the mouthwash container to learn the appropriate frequency for mouthwash use to maintain good oral health.

Reusing Razor Blades 


Razors can lose their sharpness rapidly, leading to overuse even if they still seem sharp. It is crucial to replace razors regularly due to the accumulation of dead skin cells and hair with each use. Switching to a new razor, even if the old one seems usable, ensures a cleaner, and healthier, shave.

Leaving Dirty Laundry Sitting Around


Leaving dirty clothes in the laundry basket for extended periods allows bacteria to multiply. Washing them promptly reduces the risk of bacterial growth, which can lead to serious illnesses depending on what bacteria is on your dirty laundry. Lingering bacteria could spread to other areas of your home, so make sure to wash your dirty laundry promptly!

Acrylic Nails Can Harbor Harmful Bacteria 


Wearing acrylic nails continuously without breaks can harm nail health and facilitate bacterial growth. Given the frequency of hand contact with surfaces and the face, bacteria buildup is concerning, as it could cause acne or infections. It is generally advised to leave acrylic nails on for two to three weeks before replacing them.

Not Cleaning Your Phone


Our phones accumulate dirt and bacteria due to frequent handling, yet we often overlook cleaning them regularly. It is advised to clean your phone daily to maintain hygiene. Disinfectant wipes or a microfiber cloth with rubbing alcohol can be used to clean most phone screens safely.

Using Different Types Of Skincare Products 


Avoid applying many products to your skin, which can cause skin damage, such as clogged pores and breakouts. Rather than that, determine your skin type and choose the best creams and treatments for you. The goal is to stay healthy and look healthy, not to cause damage to your skin's barrier!

Not Washing Water Bottles Daily


Bacteria can grow in water, although it's easy to think that the water inside your bottle remains clean. However, germs may settle at the bottom of the bottle over time and bacteria can grow in this moist, dark environment. To ensure cleanliness, washing your water bottles daily before using them is best.

Touching Your Face Often


This situation is highly relatable to many, especially when your hands or phone are dirty. Frequent face touching can transfer bacteria and oils, potentially causing breakouts. Refraining from touching your face frequently is crucial, as the skin's pores can make it easy for microorganisms to enter, leading to worsened acne. After washing your face, gently blot it dry with a clean towel.

Not Cleaning Your Work Space


Daily visits to the office are unavoidable, so treating your workspace with the same seriousness as other areas of your life is essential. Regularly disinfecting your workplace space, workstation, and office items is crucial to keeping germs away.

Frequent Hot Showers


Even though hot showers can help you sleep better and relax after a long day, having a hot bath daily is not ideal. A hot bath dries out the skin and creates irritation; instead, use lukewarm water if you have trouble bearing cold water.

Unclean Cosmetic Brushes


Many people have overlooked washing their makeup brush since they started using it. Although many might hesitate to admit it, it's crucial to grasp the consequences of neglecting makeup brush cleaning. Old brush microorganisms can transfer to the face during makeup application. Washing the brushes with warm water can help eliminate these germs.

Not Keeping Up With Flossing


Food particles become lodged in various places on our teeth when we eat, and a toothbrush is sometimes inefficient in removing them. Ensure that you floss after eating, as flossing is essential for removing food particles and bacteria that cause bad breath. If not, plaque can build up and result in a painful dentist visit.

Little Things Matter


Even though remotes are small, they can harbor a significant amount of bacteria. Many people watch TV frequently and constantly change channels. Therefore, it's crucial to clean the remote as diligently as other home appliances like kitchen utensils.

Walking Around Barefoot 


Although walking barefoot indoors or outdoors might not seem like a big issue, it can be harmful, as our feet tend to sweat and socks can hold bacteria which can lead to smelly feet and infections. If you have a habit of walking barefoot and find it difficult to change, make sure you wash your feet daily and wear clean socks.

Using Dirty Sponges


This is akin to leaving dishes soaking in water. After washing dishes, it's easy to overlook the sponge since you might not see any immediate issues. However, sponges provide a perfect environment for microbes like mold or bacteria to thrive and endure. Ensure you wash your sponges and keep them dry while not in use.

Letting Your Hair Brush Collect Dust


Imagine washing your hair with shampoo and good hair products, only to use an unclean brush afterward—it's like trying to fetch water with a leaky basket; there will be no good results. Unclean hairbrushes accumulate dirt, oils, and gunk, which can transfer back to the hair, leaving unwanted residue. Regularly cleaning your hairbrush is essential to good hair health.

Not Washing Your Bras


Let's talk about how often you wash your bras. Some would rather plead the fifth in this matter, but it's helpful to consider when the last time your washed your bra was next time you put it on. Sweat contains bacteria, and your bra can store them. While you don't need to wash a bra after every use, it's crucial to do so regularly.

Using Dirty Nail Clippers


The reason for sterilizing metal objects, like nail cutters, is to prevent rusting and ensure cleanliness. Even if it doesn't appear rusty or dirty, it may harbor unseen bacteria. Therefore, it's best to sterilize your nail cutter with alcohol or another form of sterilizer before use.

Sharing Your Hair Brush


When visiting salons, using their items, like hairbrushes, is a common situation. But salons are probably more likely than you are to wash a hairbrush frequently. As mentioned before, hairbrushes can contain bacteria, and sharing them may transfer dirt to your clean hair. To prevent this, avoid sharing hairbrushes or get your own hairbrush if you have roommates.

Going to Bed With Makeup On


While you now understand the benefit of cleaning your makeup brushes, removing your makeup before going to bed is just as important. Sleeping with makeup on can mix with dirt and oil accumulated during the day, leading to clogged pores and breakouts. A clean cotton swab or makeup remover wipes are recommended to wash your face and prevent skin irritation.

Keeping Toothbrushes For Too Long 


Replace toothbrushes regularly, as many people use them beyond their effective lifespan. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S. recommends that you buy a new toothbrush every three to four months or sooner if you notice that the bristles look worn out.

Eating Off the Floor


The idea of the five-second rule is fundamentally flawed, because bacteria can instantly transfer to food upon contact with the ground or dirty surfaces. Research indicates that nearly all bacteria can adhere to dropped items immediately, making consumption inadvisable regardless of the duration of their fall. When treats fall, it's best to just discard them.

Getting Eyelash Extensions


Many people might not realize the significance of caring for their eyelash extensions after they paid good money for them. Improper care can lead to the lash glue coming into contact with your eyes, resulting in eye inflammation or damage. Consult a salon specialist for proper removal, and avoid wearing them for extended periods.

Not Exfoliating Your Tongue


Sometimes, having grumpy mornings can make you pay less attention to your tongue when brushing your teeth. To avoid bad breath, exfoliate your tongue while brushing your teeth. The tongue is equally important as the teeth when it comes to bad breathe, and brushing at least twice daily is recommended by most dentists. This will eradicate your bad breath and boost your confidence!

Using The Same Towel For Your Face And Body  


Using the same towel for your face and body is another habit many individuals do every day. You should dry your body and face with different towels to prevent bacteria from harming the sensitive skin of your face, and causing acne. Also remember to wash your towels often after using, because that will get rid of all of the nasty bacteria you're trying to avoid!

Wearing Underwear To Bed


What if I told you that sleeping butt-naked is the best way to enjoy your sleep? Don't get me wrong, you can sleep in your underwear, but it is considered harmful to so according to some experts due to moisture retention in sensitive areas, which is bad for your skin and could cause bacteria overgrowth.

Soaking Dishes For Extended Periods 


One habit that many people can likely relate to is leaving dishes to soak in the sink for too long; this can foster harmful bacteria growth that your whole family coould be subjected to. Instead, try washing the dishes promptly after cooking or eating. Avoid letting them sit for extended periods, even if it makes them easier to clean later.

Washing Your Hair Everyday


Some facts presented here may seem unbelievable, but they are the simple truth! While you might think that frequent shampooing improves hair health, it can equally do more harm than good. Over-shampooing leads to hair breakage and causes the texture and shine of your locks to deteriorate. Washing your hair twice a week is recommended by experts.

Infrequent Hair Washing Is As Bad As Excessive Hair Washing


Maintaining a balance in hair washing frequency is important if you like fluffy, shiny, healthy hair. Inadequate washing can lead to bacterial buildup on the scalp and within hair follicles, potentially causing rashes and infections. Insufficient washing may also result in unpleasant odors, particularly for individuals prone to excessive sweating.

Not Knowing Your Skin Type


It is essential to understand your skin type and know the products you use on it. As much as scrubbing the body is good, sometimes some people have skin that is very sensitive to the chemicals in many skin products. It’s better to avoid harsh skin soaps and use plenty of water for the body to avoid skin irritation.