This Has Only Happened in Theory

This happened to me with an optician. I went for my annual eye test and to get a prescription for the next year’s supply of contact lenses. I usually get the same optician every year and that visit was no different.
He gave me a warm welcome to the big machine that tests your eyes. He started the test and was utterly shocked to read the results.
In great excitement, he came up to me and said, “Ma’am, we have only come across this in theory and I never knew this is really possible. Your eyesight has corrected completely! You don’t need contact lenses or glasses anymore!”
I actually believed him for a moment before I sheepishly replied, “Are you sure you negated the effect of the contact lenses I am wearing?”
Turns out I was supposed to take them off at least 30 minutes before testing my eyes. Oops. The man was at a loss for words.
Not sure if he was more embarrassed or I was. moto-chuchu