More Bitterness Than Brains

This patient came in with an abdominal bleed. The doctor was in the middle of surgery and the current patient’s vitals were good, so we monitored her until the doctor is finished with his surgery.
Two hours later, the OR sent for the patient, but she refused. Her reason made me shake my head. She said that if the doctor could make her wait for surgery, then he could wait for her…as if it was a game of petty revenge.
Nothing worked to change her mind. After several rounds of doctors and nurses educating her and begging her, the surgeon came down to see what was going on.
After speaking with her for a while, he came out of the room and said, “Keep monitoring her and don’t feed her—she’ll come one way or another.” Several hours later, I was taking a set of vitals and talking with the patient when she just flatlined in the middle of a sentence.
Luckily, she came back right away. It’s safe to say the incident shook her to her core. After she felt a little better, the patient apologized profusely and signed consent for her surgery. We rushed her to the OR. It just boggled my mind that she almost did herself in.
Some people have more bitterness than brains, apparently. curlywirlygirly