His Sixth Sense

When my son was not even three years old yet, he came to my room and kept telling me “the lady” was in his and his sister’s room. I was half asleep and dismissed it, and told him to snuggle up in my bed with me. So he got in my bed, but every few minutes he kept waking me up to tell me about “the lady”. Then he says she is at my bedroom door.
In an effort to show him there is no lady and we should just go back to sleep, I pick him up and walk him in the dark out of my room. We stand in the hall and I say, “See, there is no lady”. His reaction terrified me. He points his finger down the hall where there is nothing to see at all and says, “Mama she’s right there. That’s the lady! And this is HER house”.
Nothing, not even a shadow where he was pointing. I kind of just tried not to show he was freaking me out and said, “Okay, she must be a nice lady,” and took him back to my bed where he promptly fell asleep and I stayed awake for hours thinking this “lady” in my 100-plus-year-old apartment must be hanging out and watching me sleep.