This is The Real Reason Why There Are No Mosquitoes at Disney World

They say that Disney World is the happiest place on Earth, and many of the guests who have walked in and out of this magical theme park would agree. It’s too bad that mosquitoes can’t say they’ve had the same experience. Have you ever noticed that there are never any of these flying pests buzzing around the park? Well, you’re not imagining things. In fact, there’s a real reason why you’ll never see any mosquitoes at Disney World, like ever.

Since the opening of the Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom park back in 1971, the Disney company has put to work some of the smartest scientists to control their pest problem in innovative and creative ways. Because so much of the massive theme park is located on Florida’s swamplands, mosquitos are drawn to the park because of its wet and humid climate. But the masterminds at work behind the scenes have always done a good job making sure that pests don’t ruin anyone’s expensive vacation.

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