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Man Chases Girl Into Building Unaware It’s A Karate Dojo

Man Chases Girl Into Building Unaware It’s A Karate Dojo November 17, 2022Leave a comment

Into The Night

The frightened lady sprinted on the sidewalk as fast as her legs could carry her. She prayed that she had lost her pursuer and was too scared to turn around and check. The rain beat down heavily on the road, wetting her from all directions.

His heavy shoes thudded behind her.  She could hear his breath quickening as she picked up her pace, him following closely behind. Where can I hide? She thought frantically. It was as though God himself heard her plea. She saw a light shine through the only open door on the street and quickly ran inside.



Regin was an original native of New York so she was already aware of the violence and gangsterism which is rife in the USA. She was a confident 18-year-old and although living alone, she focused on her engineering degree and made Chicago her new home.

The fresh-faced Youth was only a first year at the prestigious University of Illinois and did not know too much about Illinois itself. Some of her friends had warned her of the dangers that lurk at night. But she wouldn't take as much heed of this statement until this scary experience happened to her.

Student Life


Regin had full, busy days. In the morning she would attend her classes and in the late afternoon, she would run household errands for her neighbors. She managed to make some extra income this way.

The determined student dedicated her time to her studies and made the most out of her University Life. She often returned home to her city apartment completely tired but feeling proud of her success in her studies. Little did she know that she would have an experience that would seriously make her question her move.

Let It Rain


The evening started off just like any other. Regin was tired after University but still made her way, by taxi, to West Town to complete errands for clients. She was an all-rounder.

A cold shower poured over the city as night fell, and although Regin didn’t carry an umbrella, she pushed through the downpour to finish her tasks on time. But what should’ve been a peaceful night turned out to be anything but. It rained heavily that night, as is usually the case in Chicago. In her hurry to leave the house, Regin forgot her umbrella at home. But this didn't stop her and she completed her tasks through the rain. She sang as walked to keep herself company.

Clocking Out


The exhausted lady managed to complete almost all her tasks, but the rain was relentless. It was almost 8 PM and there were no signs of it stopping. She decided to call her boss to let him know of the wet situation. 

Her boss was a kind person and completely understood the predicament of the rain. Regin felt a bit more at ease as she caught the bus back to her house. She sighed in relief when she suddenly received a random text message.

Extra Errands


Regins roommate had texted her: “Are you still in West Town? Please can you pass by my chemist and pick up my prescription medication?” the text read. Regin thought for a moment.

Her roommate was always a helpful person, so Regin agreed to help her. She hopped down at the next stop for West Town. But as soon as she stepped on the empty pavement she realized that she had made a grave error.

The Error


Regin was still fairly new to the city and unfortunately took the wrong stop. A few street lights were flickering, broken making the street look eerier. Tall, dark buildings towered above her and she couldn't see their usual Chemist. She was afraid.

She looked around to see if anyone else was walking, but she was the only one around. This was a bad neighborhood and she had to catch another bus out of there now.


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The smart girl had done her research about Illinois before moving. She knew she wasn't in a safe area but if she moved quickly, she could get home safely before anything happened.

She knew she should have waited for the next bus, but something told her to venture out and look for a taxi. The sooner she’d be out of this neighborhood, the better. She stood at the bus stop for ten minutes. All the time she looks scared around her. This was too much she thought, I can't wait here another second. She started walking towards some lights in hope of finding a taxi.

What To Do

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It was already dark now and there were no other people to be seen. She had to keep her wits about her.

The more she walked into the strange neighborhood, the worse she felt. Why did she always have to be a good samaritan ? she thought angrily to herself. Her stomach fell, and fear consumed her. She should have stayed on the bus.


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The soles of her canvas shoes made soft noises as she walked in puddles on the pavement. All of a sudden, she heard the low rumble of an engine beside her. She moved aside so as to not get splashed by the water, but the car did not pass her.

The old car slowed down and she saw the window roll down. A strange, hairy man stuck his head out of the window and started talking to her. She could only see his mouth moving in the rain and she wasn't going to stick around to hear what he had to say.

A Light Up Ahead

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Up ahead was a parking lot and Regin breathed a sigh of relief. If she could just get into the light, she would be safe. Suddenly, the car that had been following her pulled into the lot and parked behind her. 

She heard the car door slam as the man got out, but she kept her eyes on the beacon of light and edged along the building. She just had to keep walking.

Nobody Around


The windows of the building were still lit, and she prayed that there was someone around to help her. She could hear the heavy thud of the man's boots behind her now, and she was all too aware that they were growing louder. 

With her suspicions confirmed, she started to run. A few more feet and she would reach the building. But a rough hand wrapped around her wrist. 



Regin let out a terrified scream, praying that someone would hear her. The man tailed her relentlessly, undeterred by the public parking lot and exposure from the twinkling lights.

Soon he was upon her. He grabbed her wrist and picked her up swiftly from behind, slinging her over his shoulder like she weighed nothing. But Regin wasn’t going without a fight.

Fight Or Flight

Regin pummelled the burly man's back with her little fists, to no avail. He leaned over and opened his trunk, but Regin had adrenaline on her side – it was coursing through her veins. 

She wasn't going down without a fight. She squirmed in his arms and managed to wriggle from his grip. Before she even hit the ground, she was running.


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Running, running running, her legs pumped furiously as she made a beeline for the lights. But the man was closing in again, and Regin searched for something – anything – that she could put between herself and the furious man behind her. 

He was enraged now, and every footstep hit the ground with such a force Regin swore she could feel it. She had one option left, and if that door was locked, she was done for.


Fear and awareness shot through Regin, and she ran faster than she ever had in her life. Whoever had grabbed her was fast on her heels, and she knew she couldn’t let him get to her.

The man’s footfalls thundered in Regin’s ear as she ran. Already out of breath and with her assailant gaining on her, Regin did the unthinkable.   

She’s Fast

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Regin took the first corner that came into her shaky view. A glass door materialized before her eyes, and she shot for it. 

Regin put her hands out in front of her and closed her eyes, hoping she wouldn't go through the glass. But as she hit the door with her palms, it gave way, and she was inside. 

Holding The Door Closed

Regin struggled furiously to hold the door’s handle from the inside, throwing her shoulder with all her weight against the frame and refusing to move. Her eyes locked on her pursuer through the glass. 

She swallowed when he walked into view, and she saw the terrifying expression on his face. And then it happened.  

The Unexpected Happens

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“Open this door,” the pursuer demanded as he ran a hand across his lips. He spat on the tarmac and repeated his statement. 

“Or what?” another voice answered, and Regin spun around to find a man dressed in a gi. “Don’t open it,” the man said calmly, placing a hand on Regin’s shoulder. But what the pursuer did next made them step back.

Randall Ephraim


Randall Ephraim was looking forward to going home to be with his family, but there was just one more thing he needed to do after a long day of classes. He pulled the mats up off the floor and rolled them up before stacking them neatly in the storeroom. 

He felt relaxed, as he always did after class. He loved his job. His muscles felt warm and supple as he swept the studio. Little did Randall know that this was the calm before the storm.

Martial Arts

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Sensei Randall had been teaching in West Town since 2007, when he arrived in the windy city of Chicago, Illinois. 

His love for karate started at the tender age of 11 when he started training with Shihan Clyde Coy. He studied under the master for 7 years and then received his black belt in 2004. But Randall had never needed to use his skills. Until now.

The Hand Of Karma

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"He was very strong—very, very strong," Ephraim said in an interview with WSOC. "He weighed at least 200 (pounds) and some change, under the influence— a very strong, powerful individual." 

Nevertheless, Randall took him down. As soon as the man tried to enter the Bushiken Karate Charlotte Dojo, Randall was ready for him.


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Sensei Randall had just seconds to react when he saw the terrified young woman fly through the front door with a bang as she screamed for help and tried to hold the door closed. 

Suddenly, he knew exactly what was happening. He saw the man's intentions written all over his angry face. The man was not prepared for Randall, but Randall had been ready for this moment all of his life.

Two Forces Collide

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The pursuer lunged forward, throwing the glass door open. Regin‘s breaths were ragged and tearing into her lungs, and she was shaking with fear. 

But in the space of a second, the man standing next to Regin had pushed her behind him. He met Regin’s pursuer head-on. “Go inside,” he ordered gruffly. What was happening?

It’s Safe Here 

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Regin sprinted deeper into the building. Her heart thundered within her chest and adrenaline surged in her veins. The sound of the scuffle faded behind her as she surged into a brightly lit room. 

Regin braked, her palms falling on her knees. She struggled to breathe as her sight took in several Japanese paintings hung on the wall. She looked around wide-eyed, finally realizing where she was.  

A Well-Oiled Machine

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Randall's muscles slid smoothly into place. He relaxed his shoulders and delivered a devastating blow with his powerful right leg. 

He hit him squarely in the chest, and the man staggered back, reeling. But the man seemed unstoppable, blinded by rage. He leaped up, and when he came at Randall again, he came in swinging.


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Randall stood still and waited. The man's fist swung uselessly past his right shoulder, and he seized the opportunity. 

He used no windups and he wasted no motion, each arc of his arms was designed to roll into a single swing as he struck. The man jerked from side to side under the onslaught, with his full body weight powering his lurching body into the next blow.

The Police Arrive

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Then, Randall locked the man's head into place with his elbows, but it was unnecessary. The police arrived shortly afterward, but the work was done. 

The would-be-kidnapper was carefully wheeled out of the parking lot on a stretcher, to the astonishment of onlookers. Randall stood with calm composure as they took his statement.

“She Didn't Know Him"

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"There were still some kids in the dojo being picked up by parents and a couple of adult students cleaning up when a young lady came through our doors and stated that someone was trying to harm her," Randall Ephraim stated. 

"Shortly afterward, a big male entered the building... [the woman] insisted that she did not know him and [he] tried to kidnap her."

Dealt With

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"I then went into action defending myself and got him out of the dojo. Once outside he attempted to attack again and was dealt with accordingly," Randall added. 

The assailant has since been identified as 47-year-old August Williams, and he is a repeat offender. Hopefully, after his encounter with Sensei Randall, he'll think twice next time.

No Words Are Enough

As luck would have it, the first turn Regin took landed her in a karate studio. She’d been even luckier that the studio’s instructor had been around when she needed help. After a few questions, the police drove Regin home. Although she thanked Randall for saving her life, she knew no words could ever convey how grateful she was for his help. 

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.