Never Rush

My dad works in a warehouse that delivers caskets, where only a handful of employees work at, so it wasn’t unheard of for them to buy lunch for each other. One day one of the drivers was supposed to take the employees out to a buffet after he finished his deliveries.
Well my dad and his coworkers were playing around and hurrying him out, because the sooner he was back the sooner they’d eat. Well he left sooner than anticipated and on his way to the delivery there was an accident. A car from the other side of the freeway lost control causing another truck driver to swerve out of the way and the truck went over the median and landed right on the hood of my dad’s coworker and both the driver and my dad’s coworker passed away.
He was the youngest guy at the warehouse, he was in his late 20s if I recall correctly. For a long while my dad felt bad for hurrying him out. Kinda makes you wonder if he would’ve just had a quick minute conversation with someone a truck probably wouldn’t have landed on him. Life’s kinda weird like that.
Story credit: Reddit / deleted