Unnoticed For Years

I had been a vegetarian for 8 years. In the past year or so, I had been feeling weaker physically, getting lightheaded and dizzy easily. Then one day, I stub my toe which hurt like heck. Being physically weak I couldn’t handle the pain, passed out, hit my head and as a result had a concussion.
For me that was the last straw. I did some research to find out why I had been feeling so weak (probably should have seen a doctor though). The symptoms I had indicated a vitamin B12 deficiency, which is very common in vegetarians. It can go unnoticed for years without any symptoms, which is why I hadn’t noticed anything before.
I decided to start eating meat again. After a few months, I realize my social anxiety is much less than it used to be. I did some more research, turns out vitamin B12 deficiency can worsen anxiety and depression. If I hadn’t stubbed my toe I would probably still be a weak, socially anxious vegetarian.
Story credit: Reddit / rosesandivy