At Least it Was Funny

I was playing outside a church at night after a service with some friends, and they had a whole new dirt pile next to the building. So when a buddy started counting, me and my other friend ran behind it. We slowly backed further and further then… Splash! I fell in a deep hole full of water.
I warned my buddy I fell in some water, but then another splash… A little after that my friend says “I don’t think this is water…”. That’s when the smell kicked in. I realized why there was a big hole full of liquid poop behind the dirt pile. It was an open septic tank being worked on.
Me and my two friends rode with my mom to church that night. Let’s just say she wasn’t too happy to be stuck in a car for 20 minutes with two kids that had raw sewage all over them.
My friend who was counting thought it was hilarious, though. Source: Reddit/Hellaginge